Nadim Kobeissi:
> On 2013-06-09, at 1:02 PM, Jacob Appelbaum <>
> wrote:
>> Nadim Kobeissi:
>>> Jake, I don't agree with x z (and rather agree with you), but
>>> I'm really tired of just how aggressive and rude you always are
>>> on Libtech. And it doesn't appear to just be towards me. I'm not
>>> the only person who feels like this.
>>> Even if you're right, tone your ego knob down already. Be nice. I
>>> can barely read through threads anymore. Thank you.
>> Dear Nadim,
>> I'm sorry that your felt that I was aggressive and rude. It wasn't
>> my intention. Nor do I think that my last email had anything to do
>> with my ego.
>> I was defending Glenn's reputation and his findings - which seem 
>> absolutely solid from where I'm standing.
> What a nice thing to say! Thank you! :-) I think Glenn Greenwald is a
> wonderful journalist who really revealed a hugely meaningful story.
> Maybe not the story of the decade overall, but perhaps the story of
> the decade when it comes to computer and information security and
> privacy.
> The thing is, I agree with you almost all the time. But you alienate
> me (and I think others too) because of the ruthlessness in which you
> express yourself. Even well-known members of a community do not
> obtain a license to talk down to others.

I'm sorry that you think I am rutheless. I feel that I actually have
quite a lot of compassion and I regularly express it. I do not generally
feel pity - to feel pity, generally one must place oneself above others
- which isn't useful or productive.

> I think it's super nice of you to be this considerate and I think
> this is a solid contribution to improving the mood of this list. I
> hope "x z" also appreciates this clarification! Hurray for Jake!

Do you suppose you might reply to the points that I made?

You asserted that I was aggressive and rude. I contested it. Did you
decide that my previous emails were not so, after clarification, or what?

All the best,
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