Hi all,

We are running unblockable mirrors of some websites that are blocked in
China. They are unblockable because:

   1. They cannot be blocked by DNS poisoning or IP blocking without also
   bringing down all other content on the same host (s3.amazonaws.com).
   2. They cannot be blocked based on keywords because they are accessed
   over HTTPS.

An example mirror site:
The approach works very well but it does mean that we rely on Amazon. Do
you know any alternative hosting services which offer the same advantages
as S3? Namely:

   1. Files can be accessed on a general host (not through account-specific
   2. HTTPS is supported.

Google does offer such a service (Cloud Storage) but it's already blocked
in China. Microsoft Azure and Rackspace apparently only support
account-specific subdomains.

Suggestions much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

马丁・约翰逊 / Martin Johnson
Founder of GreatFire.org and FreeWeibo.com | PGP
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