BTW, Charles, do you have any of the syllabi for the courses you mentioned?
If so, could you share them with the list?


On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 9:10 PM Charles M. Ess <> wrote:

> A fascinating - if deeply depressing - thread: many thanks to all.
> Let me add:  the relatively sudden interest among Harvard, Stanford et
> al in attempting to introduce some element of ethics into CS (and
> related) instruction is also quite striking to many of us who have been
> doing this for 30 years or longer.  James Moor at Dartmouth, for
> example, was pushing in these directions in the 1980s - and enough
> U.S.-based philosophers and CS (and related) folk were interested to
> begin the Computing and Philosophy (CAP) conferences in the late 1980s,
> based in Carnegie Mellon and whose venues included Stanford.  The topics
> included AI, logic, hypertext/hypermedia - and ethics, both in
> application and teaching.
> Very briefly: those of us who have thus been engaged in these domains
> for quite some time see information and computing ethics (ICE) as
> grounded in Norbert Wiener's _The Human Use of Human Beings_
> (1950/1954): "cybernetics" is from _kybernetes_, the steersman or pilot
> which in Plato stands as the exemplar of _ethical_ judgment and the
> capacity for _ethical_ self-correction.  (Admittedly, there are
> strikingly few people, even in the ICE communities, seem to be aware of
> this.)
> Especially as CAP morphed into the International Association of CAP
> (IACAP) in the early 2000s, all of this blossomed in many and various
> ways - including three additional professional organizations and
> conference series devoted to various dimensions of ethics vis-a-vis
> computational and computer-mediated communication technologies (the
> latter with roots back to the 1980s, if not earlier, as well). Namely,
> the CEPE (computer ethics: professional inquiries) series begun by Simon
> Rogerson in the UK and INSEIT (International Society for Ethics and
> Information Technology), both starting up in the late 1990s.  Likewise,
> the Society for Philosophy of Technology (SPT) started up in 1995,
> beginning with its now flagship journal, _techné_.
>  From my perspective, the most remarkable developments have emerged over
> the last four or five years, as our colleagues in CS and related fields,
> including network engineering, for example, have themselves begun to
> argue for and exemplify the importance of ethical reflection in their
> work.  There are some striking examples - at least on this side of the
> pond - and I'd be happy to share references if anyone's interested.
> Most remarkably in these directions: the IEEE project to develop ethical
> standards for the design of Autonomous & Intelligent Systems, now
> concluding its second phase, draws centrally on the virtue ethics
> tradition first staked out by Norbert Wiener as central to their
> frameworks for "ethically-aligned design" (
> In parallel: the most recent philosophical and policy-related documents
> on ethical frameworks for AI in the EU centrally stress virtue ethics as
> well as Kantian deontology (autonomy / dignity) as core pillars.  (The
> most prominent and influential work is connected with Luciano Floridi at
> the OII, who is also a member of the European Data Protection
> Supervisor's Ethics Advisory Group:
> <
> >)
> The EU folk recognize that these ethical emphases distinguish them from
> both the US and China in a number of critical ways.  Vis-a-vis this
> thread: given the significance of both the IEEE project and developing
> EU policy on ethics in conjunction with the development of AI, the IoT,
> etc. - the, um, indifference, if not hostility towards ethics in
> primarily the US context, as represented in this thread, is at best
> startling and at worst deeply disturbing. (Think: the US version of the
> Chinese Social Credit System, in which any notion of human dignity and
> rights take a distinctive back seat to utilitarian emphases on economic
> efficiencies and benefits - where utilitarianism tends to be the default
> ethical framework in the US in any case, as the focus on the Trolley
> Problem in conjunction with autonomous vehicles exemplifies.)
> At the same time, both this history and these recent developments make
> the current "discovery" of ethics and computation by Harvard, Stanford,
> MIT (e.g., "the moral machine") seem woefully ill-informed and
> ethnocentric.
> Correct me if / where I'm wrong.
> On the other hand, perhaps better late than never and everything should
> be done to encourage further developments in the US context especially.
> Those of us engaged in these domains have some strategies for doing so -
> but suggestions and comments in these directions would be greatly welcomed.
> Many thanks for reading this far -
> charles ess
> On 01/02/2019 20:02, Yosem Companys wrote:
> > My comments inline below in blue...
> >
> > On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 10:49 AM Richard Brooks <
> > <>> wrote:
> >
> >     Reminds me of a proposal I wrote for an ethics course to NSF.
> >     My proposed course looked at the economics of the industry, as
> >     pointed out by Ross Anderson, that the market rewards bad
> >     and insecure software. This means that structurally it is
> >     almost impossible to be ethical and survive. The course included
> >     finding regulatory and market modifications that would support
> >     producing secure systems and economic survival.
> >
> >     I find something wrong with a system that supports making
> >     insecure products.
> >
> >     My course proposal was turned down. My favorite review
> >     of the proposal said it is wrong to combine ethics and
> >     economics.
> >
> >
> > That was the question Oliver Williamson asked before his being awarded
> > the Nobel Prize in Economics.
> >
> > Research by Dale Miller
> > <>
> > and others shows that students who take economics courses in college
> > become more selfish and less altruistic after taking the course.
> >
> > My Harvard advisor Jeffrey Sachs once told me the story about how the
> > President of the University of Chicago -- then an economist -- heard
> > Jeff go on and on about the importance of technologies to what was then
> > called "developing economies." When Jeff was done, the President turned
> > to him and said, "Jeff, you know that there's no such thing as
> > technology because we haven't modeled it mathematically yet."
> >
> > When I came to Stanford and turned to the natural and behavioral
> > sciences, one of my professors would introduce me at parties as a
> > "recovering economist," which I always found amusing.
> >
> >     We should teach them to do the ethical thing, especially
> >     when it means that they will go bankrupt.
> >
> >
> --
> Professor in Media Studies
> Department of Media and Communication
> University of Oslo
> <>
> Postboks 1093
> Blindern 0317
> Oslo, Norway
> --
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