The problem is more fundamental than a genetic unfitness of /homo 
sapiens/. Unless we go all the way to making ourselves a eusocial 
<> species, like ants or naked 
mole rats, we are up against a fact brought out by doing agent-based 
computer simulations of what is called the "iterated prisoner's dilemma 
<>", which bear a remarkable 
resemblance to the behavior of social species generally, not just 
humans. The simulations show that most social orders settle into a 
stable pattern of most individuals "cooperating", but a persistent small 
minority who "defect", to gain an unfair advantage by taking advantage 
of the trust of others. In other words, "cheating" or "criminality" is 
/rational/ behavior, so long as too many individuals don't play that 
strategy. If the percentage of defectors grows larger than about 6%, 
either the others take action to punish them, or the entire social order 
collapses in a "war of all against all". The percentage can be pushed 
down to around 1-2% but never to zero. As the percentage of defectors 
gets smaller, enforcement relaxes, and the percentage rises again. This 
is essentially the same pattern we see not only in humans and other 
social species, but even in eusocial naked mole rats, where the slacker 
males are punished by the aggressive enforcer "queen".

So the reality is that we have to unite to defend ourselves against 
enemies, whether internal or external, and that to relax our defenses is 
to generate enemies. The Constitution represents a strategy of such 
defense, but one that requires a sustaining effort of almost all of its 
citizens to implement it, and defend against the domestic enemies of 
criminals and public officials at the same time they defend against 
foreign enemies. Remember the standard oath, to "defend the Constitution 
against all enemies, foreign or domestic".

Let's be blunt. The Constitution is based on enforcement by  militia and 
juries. See . When people 
start evading militia and jury duty, the Constitution gets violated. 
Revive militia and jury service and the violations can be brought under 
control. It's as simple as that.

And no whining about do either duty. It's that or slavery. Those are the 
only two choices. Anyone who thinks he can just engage in civil 
disobedience is due for a rude awakening. Either do your part to 
suppress the domestic (and perhaps foreign) enemies, but you will be 
tracked down no matter where you might choose to hide. You must either 
be a master or a victim, shepherd or prey.

Chris Edes wrote:
> I think our country has done a lot better than most.  We should try 
> genetic engineering before mass suicide.

-- Jon

Constitution Society 2900 W Anderson Ln C-200-322, Austin, TX 78757
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