--- In Libertarian@yahoogroups.com, "Sasan Sadat-Sharifi" 
>>>Is forming a criminal protection racket a valid way to achieve such
>>>a defense?
>>Yes, just as vaccination is a valid way to protect against more 
>>virulent contagious diseases.
>While analogies may be an effective tool for instruction they are
>quite inadequate for debate...

Hardly.  You argue that governments are analogous to protection 
rackets.  You just don't like analogies when you dislike the 
conclusion they support.

>The human immune system has absolutely nothing to do with what we
>have been discussing.

Nor is it supposed to.  That's how analogical reasoning works.

>As I mentioned before, protection rackets, by definition, REQUIRE an
>external threat to justify their existence.

Sorry, I missed that falsehood.  Not only is there nothing in the 
definition of a protection racket requiring such an external threat, 
the normal pattern is for protection rackets to require payments in 
exchange from the protection racket itself, not for protection 
against anyone else.

>Governments are NOT valid defensive organizations...

Governments never protect anyone?

>...specifically because they are likely to CREATE the very enemies
>that they claim to protect you from.

1) Upon what empirical data is that claim of probability based?
2) If all governments are created by other governments, then what 
created the first government?

Tim Starr
Fight for Liberty!

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