> Is forming a criminal protection racket a valid way to achieve such a
> defense? Please remember that a protection racket, by definition,
> requires an external threat to justify its existence. If an actual
> threat does not exist then it will be either generated or forged in
> order to maintain the illusion that Government is necessary. As such,
> it is reasonable to believe (and supported by overwhelming historical
> evidence) than Government officials will systematically CREATE
> external threats in order to maintain and expand their own power.

If there was no government, non-government entities would create 
external threats (and other figments) to gain and hold power.  I cannot 
understand why you would think that eliminating government will make all 
human beings into perfect people.  You're familiar, I think, with the 
way internal pressures (such as dissent) can be redirected against an 
external enemy?  If we eliminate government, the same human aggression, 
equal in quantity, will simply seek new outlets.

> As with all false dichotomies, there is another choice. I personally
> prefer to LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE while building VOLUNTARY alliances that
> will serve us well when the time comes to mount a defense. Is it
> really so difficult to NOT interfere with the lives of others?
> ---Sasan

For most of us on the list, no.  For the majority of human beings, yes.  
Human beings will engage in aggression and we need to be prepared for 
it.  We cannot rely on individuals to resist alone, or on some magically 
corruption-proof organization (militia, security firm, syndicate, ad-hoc 
"neighbors", etc.) to help them.


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