--- In Libertarian@yahoogroups.com, Chris Edes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>X is the power of the whole people.  Y is the power of the federal
>government.  Z is the power of the largest group willing to fight a
>war.  X > Y > Z.

Wrong equation, not all the members of X (or Y, for that matter) are 
willing to fight to defend the status quo.  Nor is it necessarily the 
case that Z will be less than Y, either.

The proper analysis is of which group will be best able to compete 
for control of the State, and whether that competition will be 
peaceful or violent.

>I also think it's more efficient for a single police force to
>protect rights...

Then you clearly believe that the USA ought to have one single 
nationalized police force, instead of a motley collection of 
competing police agencies at the Federal, state, county, and city 

Tim Starr
Fight for Liberty!

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