"How will an anarchic society stop violence from breeding
1) By eliminating the most powerful force for (breeding) violence
in the world.
2) By understanding why gov is the above.
3) By unhindered focus on the one thing that encourages
cooperation more than violence.
4) By understanding why free-trade is the above. 

The greatest of enemies will shake hands at the prospect of
making a buck or two. It's all about the better incentive. 

"It seems to me you need one power, say a federal government,
capable of being overthrown..."
"One power" immediately contradicts itself with "capable of being
overthrown". Thinking gov can be both is the fallacy at issue.
Since we are talking about monopolistic power (not derived from
free-market profit), then by definition it can not also be
"overthrown" or "held". 

It's fallacious to claim that said power is needed to protect the
free-market playing field; since it will naturally/consistently
devolve into a power for RIGGING the playing field.

The greatest force for keeping people honest is free-market
capitalism profit. The greatest force for corruption and violence
is non-capitalistic profit. 


How will an anarchic society stop violence from breeding

It seems to me you need one power, say a federal government,
capable of 
being overthrown by an effort of the whole people, but stronger
than any 
constituent group.  That way, you can have a single system of 
jurisprudence capable of settling matters in a constituted
fashion.  If 
disputants are more evenly matched with regard to the mediator,
temptation to resort to violence is greater, because success is
likely.  Of course, such a federal government must be held to a
of functions, lest it become a party to disputes itself.


> It does if "temperature" = non-consensual violence, and every
> degree naturally breeds another.
> ------------------------------
> There's a balance point.  Just because 200 degrees is too hot,
> doesn't 
> mean the best temperature is absolute zero.
> Chris

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