On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 1:21 AM, gary popkin <garypop...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> What would happen if Governor Sloan made it a practice to intercept and
> steal "illegal" drugs and then give them free of charge to licensed liquor
> stores to sell? Since Sloan could not intercept all illegal drugs, there
> would still be plenty for sale on the street.
> The most likely outcome is that the stores would become targets of drug
> violence, and why not? Whenever a new seller tries to take over established
> turf, it's kill or be killed. The liquor stores would probably want no part
> of Sloan's scheme, for they would lose their profitable alcohol business.
> Only when drug prohibition is completely ended, as alcohol prohibition was,
> will the violence end.

Wait a second. It is not illegal to sell alcohol. Only it must be sold in
state licensed stores, if it is hard liquor. Beer is sold in supermarkets.

I have never heard recently of any turf wars or gang war killings over
alcohol as there were in the Roaring Twenties when alcohol was illegal.

The picture I am planning to include in my mailing (if I can find it. I saw
it several days ago but I cannot remember where I saw it now) shows two men
arrested in Arizona with several tons of marijuana in their truck. One ton
of marijuana equals 32,000 ounces. As Governor I will authorize the state to
sell it to ABC Licensed Liquor stores for $300 per ounce. This gives us $96
million, just for one ton of marijuana. Just sell 100 tons and we have paid
off the entire state budget deficit. The ABC liquor stores sell the stuff to
potheads for whatever price the traffic will bear.

We have accomplished a Libertarian purpose, as marijuana is legal now, and
we have solved the state budget crisis too. What is wrong with that?

Gary might be right that the ABC Liquor stores will refuse to carry
marijuana but, if that is true, we will just have to figure out another way
to unload our stocks accumulated over the years when marijuana was
completely illegal..

I see nothing wrong with this plan.

Sam Sloan

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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