So, then if someone steals your money at gun point and
uses it to buy drugs and gets into a car and kills
someone - you are responsible?  Sounds like it to me. 
I am responsible for what thieves do with what they
stole form me.


>       Boyd,
>       Well, that's as interesting an assessment as any
> I've read lately.
>       However, and you apparently seem to not care a whit
> about 
> what happens in your name.
>       There are govt. people (govt: Greasy, Oily, Violent
> Thugs) 
> collecting and spending your hard-earned cash,
> taxing your bills 
> (taxes levied on taxes), screwing endlessly with
> your family's lives 
> in more ways than I might mention here, making your
> job all the more 
> complicated with regulations too numerous and too
> complicated to 
> speak of here.
>       I've already discussed your money, and the sooner
> you die, 
> the less likely the govt. thugs spoken of above will
> have to secretly 
> murder you so as not to have to pay out on the
> fiduciary promises 
> made by other govt. thugs, and your health, safety,
> and dreams are 
> but a toss in some bucket, when the overall scheme
> of things 
> government.
>       According the US Government, you are not a thing
> more a set 
> of digits, to be manipulated endlessly at the behest
> of the elites.
>       Can you say '1984?' I know you can.
>       Can you say 'Soylent Green?' I know that you can
> say that too!
>       Can you say 'expendable?' Better get used to the
> idea, as 
> what =YOU= think regarding your own life, doesn't
> matter diddly, and 
> the reason why is this: Your remarks above about not
> caring what the 
> govt does in =YOUR NAME=.
>       Remember that.
>       Remember this too: What goes around, comes around -
> sometimes 
> in spades.
> ET
> -- 
> It is a fine thing to face machine guns for
> immortality and a medal, 
> but isn't it a fine thing, too, to face calumny,
> injustice and 
> loneliness for the truth which makes men free?
>      - H. L. Mencken

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