--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, Lazlar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Collectivism is in charge here, and will remain in
> charge, it seems.
> Whinning changes nothing, nor does spamming articles.
> Freedom ain't gonna happen . Nobody even seems to want
> it.
> Nobody wants it.
> That is the real problem.
> If people actually wanted freedom they would make it
> happen. But they don't want that. Damn shame, but that
> is reality.
> Freedom ain't what people want.
Unlike you, I don't pretend to be a spokesman for "people" and I
certainly DON'T accept your over-generalization. Personally, I like the
following sentiment expressed by Tony Sampognaro at 
http://tinyurl.com/raold <http://tinyurl.com/raold>  :

"The quest for freedom [is] a highly introspective, personal journey of
self-discovery and enlightenment. The eradication of government is not
necessary for one to be free. To the contrary, one must first attain
freedom in order to be rid of government."


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