I have come to respect you somewhat here Chris, even
with my 'trolling',  I didn't piss you off too much.
You maintained the composure necessary to be an
advocate of of our cause. 

But you still have nothing to offer but patience. 

That remains sad, and depressing. 

--- Chris Claypoole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, Lazlar
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > I imagine if we were 50-100 years hence that
> there
> > > would be a decent sized contingent willing to
> pull
> > > up
> > > stakes and colonize the asteroid belt or Mars if
> for
> > > nothing else to be away from the immediate
> attention
> > > of the governments of Earth (and at least a good
> few
> > > months away from any actions thereof).  I'd go.
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  
> > 
> > Of course, we would all go. That would be obvious.
> > 
> > The argument here is about now. 
> > 
> > They have nothing but flaming poems to offer. 
> > 
> > Damn shame, and I'm living with the best freedom
> has
> > to offer at the moment. 
> > 
> > I am depressed for good reason. 
> > 
> Hey, I'm a salesman, so I *know* depression. I feel
> that way from 
> time to time about the prospects for freedom, not
> for me (slim to 
> none), but for my seventeen-year-old daughter. At
> age 55, I have 
> seen a marked reduction in freedom in many areas.
> And since I live 
> in Maryland, I'm about to see a rapid decline into a
> state of 
> unfreedom in the next few years as the Dems here
> (much more leftist 
> than they ever were in my experience) work to
> establish a People' 
> Paradise.
> But I have also seen advances in areas that could
> lead to a 
> reduction in gov't power. The Internet is still a
> developing medium, 
> and has the potential to allow an end run around
> many stupid gov't 
> tricks. Electronics is advancing so fast that even
> if the JBTs force 
> RFID tags on us, there will be countermeasures
> available within 
> days, if not hours (they're already being worked
> on).
> I am finding that more people I talk to (my
> principle means of 
> spreading the freedom meme) are open to at least
> considering the 
> libertarian position, as the two wings of the BOYN
> party grow ever 
> more thuggish and flagrant in their actions.
> Do I think we'll have an overnight
> passive-aggressive revolt a la "V 
> for Vendetta?" Not anytime soon, if ever. But just
> as the USSR 
> failed when the greater mass of people there no
> longer feared to 
> oppose their "leaders," something similar could
> happen here.
> But things will have to get much worse before that
> point is reached. 
> And Americans have a history of overreacting after
> putting up with 
> tyranny, either foreign or domestic. (The actions of
> the townspeople 
> near the end of "Open Range" are typical for the
> small scale. The 
> mass murder of civilians in both Germany and Japan
> in WWII is the 
> large scale.) Maybe I will live to see decorated
> lampposts in the 
> District of Corruption, maybe I won't. As always,
> time will tell.
> And I'll cycle along between my manic-depressive
> peaks and valleys 
> as always emotionally, but keep my intellect
> actively seeking ways 
> to slide around the bastards in Annapolis and DC.
> Chris C.

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