--- In <mailto:LibertarianEnterprise%40yahoogroups.com>LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, Curt Howland
> Every example you give is based upon religious faith that might
> makes right.

Don't get cute. You know that that is not the meaning of the word
"religion", and that those examples are not "religion enacted into Law".

Religion is a belief system. Just as Statism is.  Both share a large number
of common elements and operational principles. Both are mass control
systems.  Go far enough back in time, and there is damn little difference
between the two. Those that exist today are mainly convenient illusions,
delusions.  Such as "Divine Right of Kings" and the current "Will Of The
People" as an example. The reality is still the Few ruling the Many. The main
difference is their tools are more subtle. But the iron fist still exists
within the velvet glove of illusion, delusion. The Few really do not care
what number of the Many they sacrifice to protect/advance their power/belief
                                                             Tu Ne Cede Malis 

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