--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, Wraith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No. Its still the Few ruling the Many. This is not a democracy.

Sorry, in many respects it is.  The Vast Majority don't get to weigh
in on every facet of every issue, but when they DO get to express
their preference it is almost always to prohibit Public Nudity, and
Prostitution, and Gambling, shit like that, different Prohibitions in
different places of course, depending on the preferences of the
locals, but by and large their will IS expressed in Law.
You're wasting your time believing that these Victimless Crime Laws
are shoved down the throats of a Majority who oppose them; the
depressing Truth is that, in the U.S., these Prohibitions are almost
always shoved down the throats of a Minority by The Vast Majority.

Can't believe you haven't noticed that.  Jeez, we get people all the
time around here fighting to get Lap-Dancing outlawed and shit like
that, and it becomes obvious that The Vast Majority want these things
outlawed and sure enough they are.

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