On Fri, 11 Apr 2008 20:34:42 -0700, Zack Bass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Roy J. Tellason"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Friday 11 April 2008 21:59, Zack Bass wrote:
>> >
> <http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/florida/sfl-flfguns0410sbapr10,0,51
>> >68476.story>
>> >
>> > "TALLAHASSEE - The Republican-led state Senate handed a major
>> > election-year victory Wednesday to the National Rifle Association by
>> > approving a measure allowing some 500,000 Floridians with
>> > concealed-weapons permits to carry their guns to work.
>> > In South Florida the reaction was mixed, with business owners
>> > expressing concern and gun owners declaring victory. The measure bars
>> > employers from banning guns on their premises"
>> Anti-libertarian,  huh?
>> Well,  my vehicle ain't their property.
> Well the parking lot IS the employer's property, and he has a moral
> right to demand whatever terms he chooses to place upon entry thereto,
> including what weapons are in the car and what color the driver is.

        Doctrine of Competing Harms says he doesn't. And if I've got a gun
locked up in my car, it's none of his damned business.

"Implications leading to ramifications leading to shenanigans." Admiral  
Elmo Zumwalt, USN

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