--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, Curt Howland
> The root of the problem is that the government is
> involved at all. They issue licenses, they issue this
> edict of special treatment for license holders.

Well, the same problem would exist if they passed a Law that applied
to everyone.
The real problem is that the vast Majority of people prefer whatever
they like at the moment, to Libertarian Principle.  If they like Guns,
that trumps Property Rights.  If they like Gays, they want Special
Privileges such as Marriage Rights (which to a large extent are merely
impositions on, again, EMPLOYERS in terms of Benefits) and the right
to FORCE a landlord to rent to them.  Gays, Guns, it's all immoral
usurpation of the rights of the Property Owner.

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