Funny, I hear all the time about people being busted that have to much
ammo. So I can buy it, I just can't keep it? Sounds kind of like what
"we" did to Saddam with the WMD that "we" sold him.

What you are really saying though, if I understand correctly, is that
you can buy as much ammo as you can find, and since there is a shortage
of it, it is really hard to find as much as some would like to buy (just
not you and your friends). However, with all the rules and regulations
on business, and especially the gun business, demand by far outweighs an
artificially imposed supply (not to forget the lack created killing for
 the rich men, that be the same ones making us slaves too). So, we are
still land of the free and home of the brave, despite any violation of
fictional law (including or especially gun and ammo laws) can now be
charged as a terrorist, even for minor misdemeanors, let alone owning to
much ammo or guns (which really gets "good" pr for them to further our
enslavement). Somehow that do seem like it would effect the supply and
my ability to buy all the ammo I want, if I can afford it after the
money has been so devalued, and in case you didn't realize it, that is
called theft or taxes, though really the same thing in most cases.

So what was your point about Chuck?


Rick wrote:
> Last I check me and everyone else could purchase as much ammo as we
> wanted.  The old attempts of people like Charles Schumer to limit the
> amount of ammo we could have and tax with with something like a 100%
> tax failed in the 90s.

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