>From http://knappster.blogspot.com/2008/06/of-our-elaborate-plans-end.html
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Of our elaborate plans, the end ... 

Right after the Libertarian Party's 2008 national convention, I wrote:

  I've already taken a few hits -- including from long-time friends an allies 
-- for my own appeal for party loyalty. To those who are disappointed or angry 
with me, I have only this to say:

  Yes, "my party right or wrong" has limits. If Bob Barr and Wayne Allyn Root 
don't run a convincingly pro-freedom campaign, that's on them and I'll act 
accordingly. However, my implicit agreement with the other delegates was that 
I'd support our caucus-expressed judgment as to which candidates WOULD most 
likely run such a campaign, and now that that judgment has been rendered, I'll 
support it until and unless I am presented with convincing evidence amassed 
after the fact that it was in fact a defective judgment.

I'm sorry to have to report that that "until and unless" has come to pass:

- Last Thursday, Barr came out in favor of nationalized/socialized oil 
exploration (the kind inevitably followed by corporate welfare-gifting of 
discovered resources).

- Yesterday, Barr made an appeal on behalf of using state tax policy for social 
engineering purposes.

- And today, in a truly bizarre fundraising letter, Barr played the 
Know-Nothing card, effectively screaming from the rooftop: "Support me -- I'm 
not as LIBERTARIAN as John McCain and Barack Obama on immigration."

Canthiddit, canthiddit, canthiddit, suhwingbattah. Steerikethuree ... 

I apologize to anyone who may have followed my errant lead on this. I was 
wrong. Some suggested resources by way of making up for it:

- L. Neil Smith's recommended approach
- Mike Blessing's Provo Campaign plan
Labels: Election 2008, Libertarian Party

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