You are using the word "coercion" incorrectly.  It is possible for Coercion to 
be used without the Initiation of Force.  Consider any Threat designed to gain 
"If you do not get off my lawn I will shoot you."
"Rape me and I'll kill you."
Both of these are Coercion by Intimidation.  But neither of them is an 
Initiation of Force, or even a Threat of Initiation of Force.  They are merely 
a Threat of RETALIATION, and NAP allows us Retaliation if we choose to enjoy it.
1.      the act of coercing; use of force or intimidation to obtain compliance.
2.      force or the power to use force in gaining compliance, as by a 
government or police force.

--- In, Curt Howland <curt.howl...@...> 
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thursday 13 August 2009, Eric Pavao was heard to say:
> > Real libertarians ARE anarchists.
> >
> > Boris Karpa Wrote:
> > > Yeah, go ahead, insult all the minarchists on this list.
> >
> > Why on earth would someone who is not a libertarian be on this
> > list?
> Ayn Rand didn't like Libertarians, specifically because she was a 
> minarchist and the NAP precludes any functional monopoly on coercion.
> Like a little bit pregnant, or somewhat on time, either initiating 
> force is wrong for everyone, or it isn't. Either coercion is a valid 
> form of interpersonal interaction, or it is not.
> Curt-
> - -- 
> The Magistrate, enrobed in taxes, condemns the thief in stolen rags.
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