--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Dennis Lee Wilson" 
<dennisleewil...@...> wrote:
> ... civil wars in Africa, drug wars in South America, or
> even Gengis Khan in Mongolia.
> They claim that these things, which are actually examples
> of competing governments, are what life without
> government will produce.

I don't make that claim.  My claim is that, if you start with no Government and 
let things proceed, Governments (as you are using the term here - which, I 
believe means force-INITIATING Agencies correct me if I got it wrong since you 
don't define it) WILL BE FORMED.  That is what the shitheads always want to do. 
 Without something in place at the inception of this "governmentless 
condition", something that works strongly against the formation of 
Force-INITIATING Agencies, the same people who today want to punish drug 
dealing and blasphemy and institute things like Sharia Law will form such 
Agencies to make the world they like.  Thus you WILL have those "competing 

A substantial Majority of Texans want to punish cocksucking between males (not 
heterosexual couples).  The only thing stopping them is the threat of Federal 
Marshals coming in to protect the men they want to incarcerate.  Those same 
people, if there were no Government in Texas, would form a well-funded Agency 
to punish queers.

To say that we "can" start with no Government and live well because IOceland 
allegedly did it once is disingenuous.  If Iceland did it, you'd have to figure 
out why it worked that one time and has always promptly failed everywhere else.

Well, here find that:
"... the Icelandic Commonwealth between 930 and 1262 had 'some features' of an 
anarcho-capitalist society – while there was a single legal system, enforcement 
of law was entirely private and highly capitalist; and so provides some 
evidence of how such a society would function. 'Even where the Icelandic legal 
system recognized an essentially "public" offense, it dealt with it by giving 
some individual (in some cases chosen by lot from those affected) the right to 
pursue the case...'

Excuse me, if enforcement of The Law is ENTIRELY Private, what constrains the 
Private Enforcement Agencies to follow the "Single Legal System"? If you want 
your neighbor's horse, and he doesn't want to sell it at any price, what 
prevents your hiring a Private Army to take it from him CONTRARY TO THE LEGAL 
SYSTEM'S LAWS? In that case, there was another System - your own; not just one.

No, there were Laws that were Enforced - we know that has to be the case if 
there was a Single Legal System; and the Security Firms were NOT entirely 
Private, they had to answer to something higher.

That "something higher" is what I have continually insisted is needed; and 
David Friedman insists that that is what Iceland had.  As I have said, it does 
not have to be a Force-INITIATING Agency; it can be an Agency that enforces NAP 
and nothing else.  But it has to be strong enough to stand against all the 
mafias and Tongs and  Inquisitions so many people are so find of.  Some 
Anarchists label that a Government and gut-reflex oppose it.  Some Anarchists 
do not label that a Government because it does not Initiate Force

It is just swell to have Private Law Enforcement Agencies available to the 
highest bidder.  It is a nightmare to have THE LAW ITSELF written by the 
highest bidder.

> Another common objection to stateless legal enforcement systems is to
> ask for "just one example of where it has worked."
> Medieval Iceland illustrates an actual and well-documented historical
> example of how a stateless legal order can work and it provides insights
> as to how we might create a more just and efficient society today.
> continued here:
> http://www.mises.org/fullstory.asp?control=1121
> <http://www.mises.org/fullstory.asp?control=1121>

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