--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Jay P Hailey" <jayphai...@...> 
> This is one area where the Libertopian,
> Free Market Anarchism deal falls down -  punishment.
> The Libertopian system doesn't punish bad people worth a damn.

Libertarian society CAN punish violations of the Non-Aggression Principle..  It 
is entirely moral to have a Justice League that helps Victims hunt down and 
punish Aggressors.  After all, enforcing NAP is never a violation of NAP.

A guy I know named L.Neil Smith does not favor this Self-Defense Only crap:
"No more secrets, no more lies. Can anyone write a better campaign slogan? 
Specifically, I said that government secrets must be forbidden by law, and that 
any government employee who is convicted of lying to any member of the public 
**FOR ANY REASON** must be hanged by the neck — in public and on prime time 
network television — until he or she is dead."
-- L.Neil Smith, "Necktie Party"  (emphasis mine)

See that?  Neil envisions a libertarian society that BY LAW hunts people down 
AFTER THE FACT and kills them.

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