> Why would one wish to enjoy retribution?
> Some times violence is necessary

No it isn't.  It's just a Personal Choice.  Pacifists exist.
Why would someone enjoy stamp collecting, or golf, or Rapp?  Beats me, but no 

> , but that doesn't mean that one should
> take pleasure from that necessity.

Doesn't mean one shouldn't either.  Personal Choice.  All that is important is 
The Non-Aggression Principle.  As long as I know a man is not Initiating Force, 
I don't care what goes on inside.
Some folks just seem to like hunting, and boxing, and crap like that.  Personal 
Choice, don't get your panties in a wad.

>  Thats always seemed to be a rather warped perspective to me <shrug>

Different strokes.  Tolerance.
A guy sucking a dick has always seemed to be a rather warped perspective to me 
<shrug>, but it's none of my business as long as he is not Initiating Force.

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