At 03:13 AM 5/10/2010, you wrote:
> >
> > Why would one wish to enjoy retribution?
> > Some times violence is necessary
> >
>No it isn't. It's just a Personal Choice. Pacifists exist.
>Why would someone enjoy stamp collecting, or golf, or Rapp? Beats 
>me, but no biggie.

NO. Some times it IS necessary. The mere existence of those who 
refuse to take personal responsibility for their own safety and that 
of those close to them is not a valid counter example.  It is in fact 
more of an example of insanity.   Your second sentence above, 
demonstrates the confusion I spoke of.

> >
> > , but that doesn't mean that one should
> > take pleasure from that necessity.
> >
>Doesn't mean one shouldn't either. Personal Choice. All that is 
>important is The Non-Aggression Principle. As long as I know a man 
>is not Initiating Force, I don't care what goes on inside.
>Some folks just seem to like hunting, and boxing, and crap like 
>that. Personal Choice, don't get your panties in a wad.

You notice the way I framed my original response? I said "to me"... 
Thus it is my opinion.   The ZAP is simply a basis for reducing 
coercion and conflict.  But other implications flow from that.  Le 
Neil has demonstrated some of those in his excellent stories over the years.

> >
> > Thats always seemed to be a rather warped perspective to me <shrug>
> >
>Different strokes. Tolerance.
>A guy sucking a dick has always seemed to be a rather warped 
>perspective to me <shrug>, but it's none of my business as long as 
>he is not Initiating Force.

As I stated above.  

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