On Wed, Jan 16, 2008 at 04:17:10AM +0100, Marc Lehmann wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 10:47:33AM -0500, Chris Shoemaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > > handler before creating the process, or before the process exits, only
> > > before you poll for more events.
> > 
> > I'm glad we finally agree, in practice at least.
> No, we don't. Your claim was wrong and is wrong. We do not agree the
> least. I don't understand why you cannot accept that.

>From my perspective, you're agreeing with me.  If you disagree, we'll
just have to agree to disagree about whether or not we agree!

> > In my opinion, this is a rather special and uninteresting exception to
> > the general rule that running the default event loop will eagerly reap
> > the exit status of children, even before an ev_child has started.
> Despite your opinion, it is by far the most common and important
> case. Your case, on the other hand, is very uncommon, and pessimising that
> a bit in favor of providing good and simple support for the common case
> makes sense (simple things should be simple, complex ones possible).

Ok, I'll take your word for it.

> > > libev doesn't make it as if a child died more than once, even if there are
> > > multiple ev_child watchers. this isn't possible with the unix semantics.
>> Eh?!  Sometimes I wonder if we're reading the same code.  Of course it does!
>> Two watchers for the same pid.  How many get triggered?
> Both.
>> TWO!  It had better be so, because that's exactly what the code does:
> Indeed.
> > It loops over ev_childs, feeding all the events.  Remember?:
> I know my code well, thank you very much. Please stop insulting me.
> > why I warned you that my patch changed that.)  Understand, I'm not
> > criticizing the design, different apps have different goals.  Again, I
> > really have to stick to POSIX semantics, so a child only dies once.
> The child dies only once, and this is reported properly by libev to all
> interested watchers. In no way does libev make it as if a child died more
> than once.

I'll assume that in your view this is somehow not equivocation.
There's no need for you to explain any further.

> > > in fact, your algorithm contains a race condition where an ev_child
> > > watcher gets the exist status of the wrong process (one that is started
> > > between the two waitpid calls), something libev avoids.
> > 
> > I assume you're talking about:
> > 
> > pid = waitpid (w->pid, &status, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED | WCONTINUED);
> > /* What if a new process is started right now? */
> > if (WCONTINUED && pid < 0 && errno == EINVAL) {
> >    pid = waitpid (w->pid, &status, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED);
> > }
> > 
> > I don't understand what you mean about the sending the status of the
> > wrong process.  If the watcher gets an event, I think it's always for
> > a "matching" process. (It might match the process group, btw.)
> a) if you have a watcher that waits for pid 5, and one that waits for -1,
>    only one of them gets the event, when both should.


> b) if you have a watcher that waits for pid -1 and later start one for pid 5
>    but the process was altready reaped, you lost the event.

not "lost" really, just delivered to the pid -1 watcher.

> c) if you have two watchers that wait for pid 5, then the second one might
>    not get the exit status at all, or the exit status of the wrong one.

actually, one would get the exit status, and one would get ECHILD.

> there are other problems and races.

I don't see those as problems.  That's the behavior I want.


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