On Tue, 5 Nov 2013, Marc Lehmann wrote:

On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 04:25:55PM -0500, Benjamin Kaduk <ka...@mit.edu> wrote:
I was doing some warning cleanup on a project that ships a bundled
version of libev (krb5), and figured that I should note the changes I
made in my working copy here, to see if they held interest for the
libev maintainers.

Please see the documentation section "COMPILER WARNINGS". What you are
trying to do is pretty pointless.

Thanks for the pointer, I am something of a libev newbie.

Though, what I did was clearly useful for my short-term goal: analyze my own application's code. Eliminating warnings from imported code reduces "noise" in the log so that I can get to the interesting parts which affect my own code. There are lots of ways I could have done so, with patching the code being just one of them. The whole point of my first mail was to find out whether what I had done would additionally have long-term value. That decision is yours, and I have no reason to try very much to affect it. (I have no interest in maintaining a separate patchset atop libev just to remove harmless warnings, as implied by the mindset implied by your documentation.)

(3) The file-local function fd_rearm_all() is defined but never used.
It can safely be removed to eliminate this compiler warning.

It's used in most backends, actually, as a simple grep would have
shown. Eliminating it makes them not compile. Thats what you get for
blindly working around compiler warnings.

It was sufficient for my purpose at the time.

A simple grep would not be enough, one would need to find the part where the different backend codes are included via the preprocessor instead of being compiled as separate objects. The idiom of using the preprocessor to include .c files is not one I encounter very often (the style guides in my main projects frown on it); removing the 'static' keyword from the function definition would probably help people like me who are unfamiliar with the code gain a better/faster understanding of it (in addition to eliminating the warning which drew my attention to it). Yes, it would cause a symbol to escape the object's linkage, that's your tradeoff to analyze. (It sounds like your decision is already made; please don't take the above as an effort to sway your decision, it's just an explanation of my mindset/thought process.)

I'll put links to the commits that I used to implement these fixes below.

At least your report indicates that clang can compile libev again - that's

Well, this is with the clang 3.2 rev 170710 included in the FreeBSD base system from a svn snapshot from some time ago, compiling the embedded libev 4.04 from the krb5 tree. Advances in either libev or clang could have rendered this datapoint useless.

I will say once more that I do think that the parenthesis around the bitwise operators (trimmed from the context) is very helpful for readers of the code, and ask for its inclusion. The rest of these patches are not really useful for anything other than removing warnings, and ignoring them is fine by me.

Thanks for the input,


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