On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 23:09:18 -0600, Bill Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-10-11 at 21:20, Travis Pahl wrote:
> >
> > > Again you seem to imagine a disconnect between candidates and voters.
> > > Where do you think candidates come from, Mars?  They come from the rank &
> > > file.  You see this in the Libertarian Party.  I see it in the Conservative
> > > Party.  What makes you think it's any different in the Republican Party?
> >
> > The republican party is the entrenched party that has lifelong
> > politicians running for and winning office.  The LP does not have
> > lifelong politicians.
> >
> Oh yes it does. They may not be in government office, but they most
> certainly are lifelong politicians.
I guess a better term for what I am describing is career politicians. 
 People who have not worked in the real world but instead live off
government money and campaign donations.
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