Travis Pahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:

>And if has nothing to do with it, then why did you answer with
>his story when I asked you what importance your influence

What do you want me to do, break these e-mails into separate messages,
splitting into several threads?


>So I guess I will go back to square one... why are you in the
>conservative party if that is you big message?

It's a lot larger than the Libertarian Party.

>Sorry, I had not know you had been active for 20+ years in that party.

So pay att'n.  I've posted about this in LPNY_discuss too.

>I am betting that had the Conservitive party not existed the next
>democrat chalenger to this march whiten guy would have proposed more
>liberal marijuana laws as well.

Possibly, but he would probably also have been a leftist with a warped view
of criminal & civil law.

>> None.  However, I do think MOST (or at least a plurality) of his votes
>> come on the Democrat line because that's what most voters pull around

>So you admit that the Democrats in the area are chosing the Democrat
>on the ballot and yet you think this is a victory for the Conservative
>Party? Sure he is enrolled in your party.  What the hell does that
>mean?  Nothing.

I know him.  I know his ideas.  You could ask you the same thing about
anyone in the Libertarian Party.  You've degenerated into radical
skepticism.  If nothing can be known, then what does anything mean?

>But the point is it is the Democrat nomination that
>is going to get him elected.  The conservative party has no influence
>on him getting elected of not.

Not exactly.  In the Conservative Party, he & county chairman Bill Newmark
got to know each other.  Bill looked at this election tactically, and saw
that the Democratic machine would be vulnerable in the judicial election. 
It was Bill who got him to run.

>Badnarik when polled has been just as strong as Nader

Nader will get 10 times Badnarik's vote.

> and has the
>advantage of being supported basically because of the party not the

What advantage is that?  The Libertarian Party is a DISadvantage.  It
scares voters off.

>So he has no idealogy and just votes party line 

Not on everything, just on the votes where party discipline is enforced. 
And even on some of those, he's broken ranks.

>Sure I want good guys.  But I do not want to hear about every single
>one when I am trying to get information about something completly

I write specifics, you want generalities.  I write generalities, you want
>Do you think it was organization working through the parties that
>stopped the government from drafting people, or the end of the veitnam

The draft ended BEFORE the war!

> The
>analogy to slavery would be accurate if slavery ended not because it
>was oulawed in the constitution but because people stopped wanting
>tobaco and cotton worldwide and the slave owners just let their slaves
>go, but if they ever wanted to could go round up black people and put
>them back to work as slaves.  They can not do that.

They did in Equatorial Guinea.

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