Hello again, Jay!

My Dad, a WWII vet warned my half Brother on his way to VietNam in 1967 -
"Communist, Capitalist, bullshit. Watch your back.  All they're going to see
is people who look like you killing people who look like them."

The Iraqis are good and up in arms now.  A few collateral casualties here
and there and suddenly they're all uptight.

If it were your family blown to scrap and written off as Collateral damage
wouldn't you be a bit nutty about it?

Yup. And I'd probably be even more nutty about it if my family were blown to scrap by someone who intended that they be blown to scrap by a car bomb or something.

Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

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