> I guess I've been saying this exactly to the wind, and no one has
> listened since 9/11!  Wonder why this reality is so hard to
> digest by Americans.  Really, I don't know.

I know exactly why.  I smashed my forehead against it for the last 18 months 
over on Used Kharma's Politics group -

"They hate us because of our freedoms" is easy because it plays easily into 
playing good guys and bad guys.  The Muslims wear the black hats and that 
the end, thinking over.  It's easier

"They hate us for our policies" is much more difficult to shallow because it 
carries with it the possibility that the U.S. might not be the angelic good 
guys.  It carries with it having to conduct a relatively honest review and 
say "While 9/11 was a horrific crime, maybe supporting Saddam, The Shah and 
The House of Saud wasn't the smartest thing we've ever done either."

In this world you rare run across strict black and whites.  Things are 
always shades of gray.  The fact of the Matter is that the U.S. has for 100 
years been saying "Democracy and republics are all very good and well for 
us.  But not for you brown people"  and then the U.S. Supports every 
dictator with a funny hat, brutal thugs at his beck and call and a basement 
torture chamber.

A lot of people, including 60 million who voted for The Shrub don't want to 
engage in this sort of self reflection about the country

They want to shout "We're the good guys!!" until it's true.

Rule one - when you find yourself in a hole *stop digging*

Iraq proves that the American Establishment hasn't mastered this basic 

Stupid Americans would cheerfully slaughter every old man, every woman and 
every screaming baby in Iraq before they admitted that the Us government is 
capable of being evil or even mistaken.

Where I come from, Killing children who were not involved in attacking you 
is considered murder.

Jay P Hailey ~Meow!~
MSNIM - jayphailey ;
AIM -jayphailey03;
ICQ - 37959005

"The vulgar fictions of a demented Irishman." - Louis

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