Hello Jay!

> "They hate us because of our freedoms" is easy because it plays easily
> into
> playing good guys and bad guys.  The Muslims wear the black hats and that
> the end, thinking over.  It's easier
> "They hate us for our policies" is much more difficult to shallow because
> it
> carries with it the possibility that the U.S. might not be the angelic
> good
> guys.  It carries with it having to conduct a relatively honest review and
> say "While 9/11 was a horrific crime, maybe supporting Saddam, The Shah
> and
> The House of Saud wasn't the smartest thing we've ever done either."

I suppose it was Spain's "policies" that got it attacked?  Was it Australian
policies that provoked the attack in Bali?  French policies that provoked
the train bombing that was stopped before the bomb went off?

> In this world you rare run across strict black and whites.  Things are
> always shades of gray.  The fact of the Matter is that the U.S. has for
> 100
> years been saying "Democracy and republics are all very good and well for
> us.  But not for you brown people"  and then the U.S. Supports every
> dictator with a funny hat, brutal thugs at his beck and call and a
> basement
> torture chamber.

Hmm.  All the energy that the press put into insisting that Bush apologize
for mistakes and when he apologizes for the US supporting dictators in the
Middle East and says this must change, no one notices.

Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

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