Jay P Hailey wrote:
> > Sadly, I've been arguing this point pretty much solidly the last few
> > weeks (when one of my CPUs wasn't on the fritz) and don't have much
> > energy to put into it again anew. In summary, economists are wrong when
> > they say there will be a sudden fall of the dollar and resulting chaos,
> > yadda, yadda, yadda.
> Over on the Smith2004 list the term coined for this was Disasterbation.


> BUT,  what makes the U.S. Immune from the things that happened to Brazil
> in
> the 1980s or Weimar Germany in the 1920s?

There's a big difference between saying that the circumstances in those
places then are different from the US now and saying that the US is immune.

Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

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