Hello Bill!

One part of another good post by Bill Anderson said:
> Which leaves us with the Eurozone. They really don't have much to offer.
> The Euro is not fit to become the global currency. Why? Poor economic
> capacity, no history and no visible capacity to bail out other
> countries. These are requirements for a global currency as the USD is
> now, and the British Sterling before it. In order for the EU to provide
> an economy capable of becoming the one to base a global currency on, the
> EU member countries will *have* to make sweeping changes in both their
> government and economic structures. The EU is on the opposite path.

Between all that and the anti-freedom policies their governments pursue and
that monstrosity of a "constitution," I've long predicted that the Eurozone
would become larger than the US through additions but that the US would grow
faster (assuming we don't adopt their government policies) and catch up and
surpass them.

> The EU has a goal to make it's combine economy IIRC 70%+ a service
> economy by 2010. Remember my "little" point about legs to stand on?  In
> case you didn't know, Eurozone as a whole is a "minor trade partner" in
> terms of volume with the US.

It's worse than I thought over there!

Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

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