
Car Black Boxes: Safety or Spy Feature?

Thursday, December 09, 2004

By Jim Harper

New cars offer a delightful array of information and services: satellite 
radio, intelligent cruise control, braking and steering assistance, 
navigation systems, and roadside assistance, to name a few.

These all appeal to drivers' desire for safety, convenience, and comfort.

But a troublesome feature of most new cars is the Event Data Recorder 
 ("EDR"), or Black Box. As in commercial airplanes, the automobile Black Box 
keeps a running record of how a car is being operated, including speed, 
acceleration, braking, steering and seat belt use.

When there is an "event" - usually a crash - the EDR moves the last several 
seconds of information into long-term storage for later downloading. Well 
over half of the 2004 model passenger cars and light vehicles have some 
recording capability of this type.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has proposed standards 
for the data collected by EDRs, but the agency emphasized in a recent notice 
that it is not mandating Black Boxes. It will be under pressure to do so. 
The National Transportation Safety Board has listed Black Boxes as one of 
its "most wanted" measures.

There are obvious safety benefits if auto accidents can be dissected in 
detail, of course. Auto manufacturers, safety groups and insurers want this 
information. Police departments want it too.

Already, prosecutors are using information from automobile Black Boxes as 
evidence against drivers. Last year, one Robert Christmann was convicted in 
a New York traffic fatality based upon information downloaded from his car's 
Black Box.

But car manufacturers aren't touting the safety benefits of the Black Box 
like they do so many other improvements on the modern automobile. That is 
because the Black Box is not a safety feature; it is a surveillance tool-and 
when drivers learn about it, they are none too happy.

After I commented on Black Boxes in a news story earlier this year, letters 
poured into my e-mail box. "This is 'over the top,' and a definite 
infringement on my privacy," said one outraged car owner. Another wrote, 
"[T]his is a personal vehicle, I've paid for it, paid my taxes, enough 
 said." From another, simply: "Not on my car."

Many correspondents wanted to know which cars have Black Boxes so they can 
determine whether their personal vehicles were, in effect, spying on them.

There are a number of directions in which this technology is likely to go. 
It could collect and retain more information for longer periods. It could 
interact with Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to record where a car has 
traveled. And it could combine with communications systems to signal 
authorities in real time.

Joan Borucki, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's nominee to head California's 
Department of Motor Vehicles, has proposed a mileage tax that Black Boxes 
could administer. The Oregon Department of Transportation has also 
considered a mileage tax.

In 2001, a Connecticut car rental company began charging renters a $150 fine 
for speeding in their rental cars, using a GPS-equipped monitoring system. 
Consumers can shun companies which make this a practice. But they could not 
refuse an automatically-issued traffic citation if governments were to add 
Black-Box-citation revenue to what they now get from red-light cameras.

Legislation passed by the state of California is likely a sign where things 
are headed. The state requires notices in the owner's manuals of cars that 
have Black Boxes. The new law also allows data to be accessed under court 
order, for research, and for other reasons. California's EDR law replaced 
consumer choice with an agreement among politicians, bureaucrats, and 
industry on a nice low level of protection for consumers.

There is no question that aggregated EDR data can provide important safety 
benefits. If traffic accidents and deaths can be averted by improving 
automobile safety, these safety advances should be pursued. But they should 
be pursued in a way that unites the interests of drivers with the interests 
of the community.

Insurers should offer car owners discounts if their EDR-equipped cars reveal 
good driving habits and freedom from blame in accidents. Consumers, not the 
government, should decide if they want their cars to collect such data, and 
if they want to share it with others.

Jim Harper is director of information policy studies at the Cato Institute 

Jay P Hailey ~Meow!~
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AIM -jayphailey03;
ICQ - 37959005

So-called Western Civilization, as practised in half of Europe, some of Asia 
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