Good evening again, Tim!

Tim Bedding wrote to Frank Reichert...

> There is no Empire and no imperialism. The idea of tackling
> Iraq in the first Iraq war was to promote the values of the
> UN and hence peace.

Could you possibly define what you mean by 'values of the UN'?  I
do know that the vast majority of UN member states are ruled by
either totalitarian regimes outright, or perhaps islamic state
governments, a lot of pseudo 'Banana Republics' and the like. 
I'm wondering I guess how you arrive at a central values scale
from such a hodge podge of ideologies, cultures and home grown
domestic 'values'.

I also previously wrote:
> > 2. Begin a neutral and even handed foreign policy, refusing to take
> > sides unless we our compelled otherwise by aggression or force to
> > surrender our own choices in the way we choose to be governed or
> > maintain our lives as a sovereign nation.

To which, you replied:
> Where do you think that the US has not been sufficiently
> neutral and even-handed?

Take a look around almost anywhere on the planet where the US has
committed military forces, aggression and interference over the
last 55-60 years.  But since you asked, one of the most blatant
one-sided and unbalanced foreign policy blunders has been the
support that Israel enjoys, and all of its neighbours, except
perhaps Egypt and Jordan, do not.

Kindest regards,

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