Good morning again, Dave!

Dave Laird wrote to Frank Reichert...

> The chances are pretty good this message never made it kharma-news simply
> because I took the server offline at about 1:00 AM to change out a news
> spool drive and a switch. Thus the news never reached Kharma during that
> interval. Sorry, but occasionally I have to change drives, and it has been
> two years and change.

Then how, pray tell, did you get and respond to the message if it
never made it through?  My smtp at went down hard
last night and hasn't been up since, so I haven't been able to
send anything out email except to the newsgroups, including
spk.liberty_nw since last night.

I believe also, that I noticed earlier this morning on the other
machine, downloading via POP3 via that all
messages I sent out on the server last night
migrated across okay to the email side, although I'll have to go
back and check later today to be sure.

> [SNORT!] I had never heard that one before, but I have to admit I have my
> own peculiar outlook on Brian Antoine, and have stated so to his bosses,
> the owners of Wind Wireless, upon numerous occasions. Brian, in my
> opinion, has proven capable of keeping a personal hard-on for me alive
> much longer than I ever imagined possible by any human being.

I can't speak to any of that exactly, however I did get a curt
reply from him on spokane.general several weeks back.  The only
stuff appearing over there now is a healthy dose of spam
messages, so apparently no one has set up a firewall or security
apparatus to screen out that stuff any more. It used to be pretty
clean once, and almost spam-free, which seems to be no longer the

> One example
> that constantly befuddles me is that, after nearly a decade since our last
> e-mail communication, Brian still has my name in his personal REJECT list;
> mail from me to him, even mail about technical or professional issues,
> gets bounced by his mail servers he controls. That is ludicrous.

Again, I haven't communicated with him at all in private email,
and except for the brief msg on spokane.general several weeks
back, he hasn't communicated with me at all since the destruction
of spk.* by the pack of engineers.

> I simply went back and started feeding the spk.* hierarchy to my news
> uplinks, and over time, studiously began making certain that messages
> posted from either end of the pipe reached their destinations. As far as
> the traffic problems, there will *always* be traffic problems with Usenet
> News, as it is no longer what it once was, by any means. Yet, with some
> effort, it still can be made to work, after a fashion, and I try to do my
> very best to insure that happens.

I don't pretend to understand, and therefore can't speak to the
technical stuff that keeps usenet chugging along.  Sometimes it
seems to work well, and other times getting stuff through the
pipeline becomes frustrating. Right now usenet is the only thing
I have until the netaddress smtp problem is resolved.  I still
have an alternate smtp account with, but changing
it around for outgoing mail at this point doesn't appear to be
critical.  By Monday, if the problem isn't resolved, I may have
to resort to the change at least temporarily.

> You are largely talking about a group of high-end network engineers who,
> despite their involvement with the spk. and spokane.* news hierarchies
> years ago, seldom have the disposable time to spend on Usenet much these
> days.

It certainly shows up right now on spokane.general -- as it
appears none of 'em have the time to weed out the constant flow
of spam piling up there all the time.  Last time I checked, there
were no legitimate communication messages being bantered around

> Hell, if they allow *ME* to
> post messages there, they generally should allow anyone to use their
> Usenet server, shouldn't they? 

Oh, yes they do! Check it out and see for yourself what's being
posted there today!

> All I have done is do the best I knew how to do to provide a news server.
> I hasten to add that well over 75% of what I know about how to make such
> things happen I learned from Bob Kirkpatrick and Rocky Seelbach. I
> probably could have learned a hell of a lot more from Antoine, but
> forgiveness, cooperation and civility, it seems, are not in his
> repertoire.

You've done an outstanding job keeping spk.* alive, and perhaps
growing, and with Bill's gateway from the list side,
spk.liberty_nw is a reasonable alternative for those wishing to
communicate to and from Liberty Northwest from usenet again. 
That has been a long time in coming since that interface was
jerked by Rocky many years ago.

Kindest regards,

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