Good morning, Frank...

The chances are pretty good this message never made it kharma-news simply
because I took the server offline at about 1:00 AM to change out a news
spool drive and a switch. Thus the news never reached Kharma during that
interval. Sorry, but occasionally I have to change drives, and it has been
two years and change. 

On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 23:26:59 -0800, Frank Reichert wrote:

> Brian Antione (the late Roger Erdman called him 'Brian Antfarm',
> informed me several weeks back, when I clicked on a message that

[SNORT!] I had never heard that one before, but I have to admit I have my
own peculiar outlook on Brian Antoine, and have stated so to his bosses,
the owners of Wind Wireless, upon numerous occasions. Brian, in my
opinion, has proven capable of keeping a personal hard-on for me alive
much longer than I ever imagined possible by any human being. One example
that constantly befuddles me is that, after nearly a decade since our last
e-mail communication, Brian still has my name in his personal REJECT list;
mail from me to him, even mail about technical or professional issues,
gets bounced by his mail servers he controls. That is ludicrous. 

> The spk.* hierarchy is still around, and probably doing one hell
> of a lot better than the revisionist experts that once believed
> at the time that they knew what was best for public consumption
> 'representing Spokane' -- and thank God for people like Dave
> Laird that helped keep that alive even until now!  Don't know how
> Dave did it either, and really don't particularly care -- I do
> know however, that in spite of some problems resolving traffic --
> Liberty Northwest is still a part of that.

I simply went back and started feeding the spk.* hierarchy to my news
uplinks, and over time, studiously began making certain that messages
posted from either end of the pipe reached their destinations. As far as
the traffic problems, there will *always* be traffic problems with Usenet
News, as it is no longer what it once was, by any means. Yet, with some
effort, it still can be made to work, after a fashion, and I try to do my
very best to insure that happens. 

> what they want to really listen to.  Maybe it's time for the
> 'experts' who think they know 'what's best' to take some time to
> listen and tune in.

You are largely talking about a group of high-end network engineers who,
despite their involvement with the spk. and spokane.* news hierarchies
years ago, seldom have the disposable time to spend on Usenet much these
days. I hasten to point out that some of the best fictional writing I've
ever seen on Usenet is part of the history of spk.*, and I'm NOT talking
about my contributions, either. Both Bob Kirkpatrick and Brian Antoine
wrote some of the finest science fiction tales imaginable and posted them
in the spk.* hierarchy years and years ago. I, for one, mourn the passage
of their literary skills from my presence, despite all the personal
animosities that have come and gone. 

> There is a tremendous history here as well, often commandeered by
> individuals such as Rocky Seelbach, long gone from the scene and
> rightly so.  The spk.* newsgroups still represent what people
> wanted and chose to participate in given their own right to make
> such choices.  There are still most of these groups around today
> on usenet.
> Rocky at el, still might have seen that a long time ago, but that
> vision suddenly disappeared but the groups are still around
> today.

As far as Rocky goes, he bears little animosity toward anyone from the
days when he ran the spk.* news hierarchy. Like Antoine and Bob
Kirkpatrick, he has little time these days to do much with Usenet news,
other than make sure the server for is there and
available, in case someone wants to use it. Hell, if they allow *ME* to
post messages there, they generally should allow anyone to use their
Usenet server, shouldn't they? Bob runs a rapidly-growing business, and
Brian works for Bob. None of them have much time to mess with Usenet news. 

All I have done is do the best I knew how to do to provide a news server.
I hasten to add that well over 75% of what I know about how to make such
things happen I learned from Bob Kirkpatrick and Rocky Seelbach. I
probably could have learned a hell of a lot more from Antoine, but
forgiveness, cooperation and civility, it seems, are not in his

The Used Kharma Lot
Web Page: updated 11/24/2004
Usenet news server : news://
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