Good evening Lowell!

Lowell C. Savage wrote to Dave Liard...

> Aaahh, yes....
> That great font of truth, accuracy and fairness, the BBC, has produced a
> documentary which should probably be held in the same regard as any by that
> other great font of truth, accuracy, and fairness, Michael Moore.

I'm not particularly a great fan of Michael Moore, as such. 
However, his greatest enemies at present appear at least to be
the neo-fascist (or, should I just be politically correct and
politely call 'em "neo-conservatives"?).  Don't know if Michael
Moore wants to bring an end to the encroaching police state that
is evolving around us, but if he is, then perhaps BBC and Michael
Moore might possibly at least be allies of Libertarians, no?

The greatest 'terror threat' of all, is unrestrained and 'out of
control' government. Most libertarians already know that, and you
should have known that as well, a long time ago, when you joined
this list a long time ago.  This is not a neo-fascist or
'neo-conservative' conference, and the principles here are
limited government and self-governing by individuals themselves.

> Yeah, yeah.  The Sovs weren't a threat and the WTC towers are still
> standing, so terrorism isn't a threat.  It's all a lie to get you to support
> your friendly local Daddy Warbucks defense contractor.

Lowell, probably the Soviets weren't honestly really the 'giant
threat' that we have all been 'spoon fed' to believe either.  You
were obviously led to believe that, as was I, and most others. 
Are you suggesting that the mainstream news in consort with
politically correct revisionists have not influenced the way you
might view the last 40 or 50 years of US history?

If you want to know who is paying for a lot of this, tune in on
the CBS Nightly News, or any other network that you choose. 
Who's running the advertising in support of that?  All of this is
a sick joke.  At least on Liberty Northwest, some of us can still
call it as such, without the censors! In that respect, your damn
lucky you are here, because even your erratic 'Libertarian'
credentials, isn't something officially sanctioned, because this
network isn't the property of a political party as such anyway.

Further, my opinions only:

What actually happened and what actually occurred on 9/11
certainly had a lot to do with the progression of US foreign
policy, and the socially correct planners you see every night
speaking from the government mostly, on what food you ought to
consume, and how you can best take care of yourself.

Of course, the government, made up mostly of bought and sold
prostitutes in the Republican and Democrat Parties, have been the
sole government in this country for my entire lifetime.

So, I guess I don't have a really huge problem with Michael Moore
very much either.  Maybe he's asking some questions and going
places where even 'angels fear to tread' -- who knows exactly? 
Somebody's got to do it, don't they?

The truth is: Politics stinks.  Politics is a prostitute business
where men and women sell the souls to the highest bidder.  The
power always, every time mostly, lies behind the throne.  Another
individual in history wrote, in part, "I don't have to make the
laws... I already have control over who chooses to write the
laws."  This is a paraphrase of course, on Warburg's assessment
of political reality -- it fits nicely in European politics today
as well, as it has, and is, currently fitting our own.

Maybe that might be part of the reason why the 'prison industry'
in America today is growing by leaps and bounds!

And, YOU are worried about Michael Moore?

I wish to God that were our only concern these days. It certainly
isn't mine.

Kindest regards,

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