Greetings Frank!

> Good evening again, Lowell!
> "Lowell C. Savage" wrote to Frank Reichert...
> I previously wrote:
> > > The greatest 'terror threat' of all, is unrestrained and 'out of
> > > control' government. Most libertarians already know that, and you
> > > should have known that as well, a long time ago, when you joined
> > > this list a long time ago.  This is not a neo-fascist or
> > > 'neo-conservative' conference, and the principles here are
> > > limited government and self-governing by individuals themselves.
> To which, you replied:
> > Except for Iraqis?
> Well, duh!
> Just how much of a real choice, just based on today's coverage in
> Iraq, do Iraqi's really have these days?

Are you saying they had a choice before?

> Keep in mind, all of this is going on only BECAUSE of the US takeover
> and occupation of Iraq in the first place.

Uhm.  Yeah.  That was kind of the point.

> The US government is the
> imposing force, no doubt, in making such elections, and the format in
> which they are conducted, a fact of life that probably many Iraqis
> obviously oppose for the same reason!  Now the US is going to be
> asking in the next 10 days or so, for 'world recognition' of the
> outcome of such an election.

"probably many Iraqis obviously oppose"  Look, Frank.  I'm sure that in
absolute terms, there are "many" Iraqis that oppose the US and the
elections.  However polls consistently show that the real opposition is less
than 20% of the population.  Are you suggesting that we should give them a
veto over the majority because they are violent?

> Well, we've gone through that before. We did it over three decades ago
> in Vietnam.  We were terribly wrong then, and we are just as wrong, if
> not more so, now.

Hmm.  It was wrong to try to prevent a communist takeover that in other
countries had resulted in massive executions and deaths?  Communism was
responsible for over 100 million deaths (not including deaths in war)!!!
After the US walked away from Vietnam, Pol Pot murdered 1 of every 4
Cambodians (over 1 million people in total) and the conservative estimate
(by a French researcher) of the dead in Vietnam after 1974 was one-half

> If we really want to honour and support our troops, then its long
> overdue, bring 'em home now, immediately and hold all the bastands
> accountable for sending them there in the first place!

Interestingly, something like 80-90% of the troops themselves would

> Immediate impeachment hearings might be next on such an agenda.

Uhm.  We can't impeach Senators (like Kerry, Kennedy, etc.) or
Congresscritters...darn!    :->

Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

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