
> Welcome to the 'club' of one-world re-visionists, Tim.

> Guess you'll love the response from "10 Downing Street" on the
> outcome on your so-called 'free' choices.

I am not sure what you are saying above.

> That's the entire nature of the game these days.  You don't have any
> damn choices. Your choices are already determined, and are made by
> those who believe you are too damn stupid, or incompetent to decide
> what your own choices over such matters might be best for you.

Some people might make the wrong choices but, where possible,
I think this should be tackled through education not by
quickly reaching for the ban-it option.

The ban on vitamins seems to be the wrong approach.

If the vitamins have not been proven safe, why not insist on
labelling saying so and let the consumer make up his own mind?


The Matrix
Agent Smith: The orders were for your protection... your
  men are already dead.

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