HI Shadow... 

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:17:17 PST, shadow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On 13-Feb-05, Conster wrote:
> C> Wasn't me... The only ZAP I know is dead.. Frank Zappa 
> C> Conster
>Connie! Don't you remember... ZAP comix?

There's a lot of my late teens and early 20's that I have very little
memory... and that was just because of Vodka and a $10 4 finger bag of
pot (My kids can't get over we measured our pot by how many fingers
the baggy held).. There was the one time when I was drinking Sloe Gin
and Fresca and eating Shrooms.. but no one told me that they were
hallucinogens... I had a hell of the time when I went to the bathroom
and my reflection wouldn't stop staring at me so I could leave.

Now, those were harmless times, most of them. But many times, I was
driving when I was so drunk I have no memory of where I was or how I
got there. Was I endangering others. Yeah, my passengers for one or
either, depending how many I could squish into my car.

When I did most of my drinking and smoking pot I was usually at
parties and usually ended up, like all good hippies, laying on the
floor where their was an empty spot, only once waking up with someone
I don't remember going to sleep with, however he was a really good
friend, so I didn't care.

I have absolutely no problem with this kind of entertainment for
people 18 or older, though I did drag my 15 yr. old kid brother along
for a few parties, but I kept an eye on him -- like I could with the
room so smoky, you didn't know if it was the room or if your eyes were

My brother is a Stake Counselor of the LDS Stake Center in the Othello
Area. For those who are LDS, they would understand what an important
position this is for a person. My brother is now a detective, but has
served a lot of time on patrol and still does a lot of leg work. It' a
small town, which recently has had a murder, a cop-assisted suicide,
an very respected old citizen hit and run over not once but 3!! times
within 5 minutes while waiting for the cops who were there quickly and
many other 'big city' type crimes. We were talking once and I asked
him what he thought about kids or adults sitting around their houses
just smoking a few bowls and drinking, having a quiet party inside. He
simply said, "I have much more important things to deal with than
someone who hasn't got enough pot to bother with."

This from a very devote Mormon who is a good cop and has paid his dues
in spades over the years. I wouldn't have kept my temper as well as he
did during some of the stuff that he been done to him by people who
were under arrest or soon to be arrested. I'm talking about a very
good, moral and ethical cop - this is the one with 3 kids, a wife at
home who is disabled and his 87 yr. old mom-in-law at home as well. He
worked 2 jobs for years so he could send his three boys on a mission.
And he didn't care if people smoked pot in their homes and weren't
dealing, because basically they weren't hurting anyone. Of course, if
he got called in on a domestic violence he would have to do something
about the paraphernalia and the pot.

There is another issue about letting people live and let live. What
about the wife beater that lives next door. He hasn't quite killed his
wife yet, but her constant bruises and screaming for him to stop is
just their business.. no one else's, right?  When I was 21 I was that
wife next door and I would have given anything if someone would have
come over and kicked his ass into the next decade. I couldn't fight
back, because 9 of our 18 month marriage I was pregnant and after that
I was afraid he would kill me. I couldn't call the cops back then
because they simply did nothing unless the wife was looking half dead
and I never did. There are a lot of issues I need to understand that
call under this ZAP principle and the Libertarian principle.

Some of this obviously comes from my own personal experience and thus
I am very interested in the answers. Because who knows.. maybe there
are some very good suggestions.

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