Good evening Frank & Dave,

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 21:42:35 -0800, Frank Reichert

>Good evening again, Dave!
>Dave Laird wrote to everyone...
>> What follows is a farcical letter written to President Bush once
>> California (and others, ostensibly) secedes from the Union to form a
>> coalition of like-minded states. Stranger things have happened, so who is
>> to say this will remain a farce for long? Enjoy...
>Needless to say, I'm looking forward to something like this
>perhaps taking place, when reasonable people take control over
>their own lives and earthly destinies!  I'm sure I'm going to
>enjoy this one!

I have a feeling I'm about to get a bit angry myself.

>> Congratulations on your victory over all us non-evangelicals. Actually,
>> we're a bit ticked off here in California, so we're leaving. California will
>> now be its own country. And we're taking all the blue states with us. In
>> case you are not aware, that includes Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota,
>> Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and all of the Northeast.

Are all ministers who are Christians evangelicals? Are all Christians
Bible thumpers. Are Catholic Christians? Are Lutheran Christians? Are
LDS Christians, Seventh Day Adventists, Baptists?? I guess it's who
you talk to. I myself consider them all Christian. I don't even go to
Church currently and I consider myself a Christian.

>Probably Idaho isn't going to join that list anytime soon, at
>least for now, but it's a great start.  On the other hand, as you
>mentioned California and Minnesota on the same list, I doubt
>Idaho might ever want to come along.

>>  We spoke to God, and she agrees that this split will be beneficial to
>> almost everybody, and especially to us in the new country of California. In
>> fact, God is so excited about it, she's going to shift the whole country at
>> 4:30 pm EST this Friday. Therefore, please let everyone know they need to be
>> back in their states by then.

Oh.. ha ha ha.. Damn.. God's a women.. That's an original thought..
NOT. Why debase God as whether gender of the great Spirit in the sky
even matters in this case. Are women better than men?

>Again, Idaho likely isn't going to head the warning.
Neither are a whole lot of Washitonians.. Who is we all recall are the
only state that carried Perot with 40% of our votes, of which one was

>>  So you get Texas and all the former slave states. We get the Governator,
>> stem cell research and the best beaches, We get Elliot Spitzer. You get Ken
>> Lay. (We will keep Martha Stewart, but having served her sentence she will
>> now be a contributor to society rather than the un-indicted contributors to
>> your campaign) We get the Statue of Liberty. You get OpryLand, We get Intel
>> and Microsoft. You get WorldCom. We get Harvard. You get Ole Miss. We get
>> 85% of America's venture capital and entrepreneurs. You get all the
>> technological innovation in Alabama. We get about two-thirds of the tax
>> revenue, and you get to make the red states pay their fair share. Since our
>> divorce rate is 22% lower than the Christian Coalition's, we get a bunch of
>> happy families, You get a bunch of single moms to support, and we know how
>> much you like that.

You suggestion that anyone that isn't of your personal ilk must be a

>I can't of course pile on to all of this, but this last catch has
>to be a good one, or at least so it seems.  On the other hand, I
>do find a measure of reason to sign off from supporting such a
>split, since the scenario seems to imply that the government will
>have to pick up the tab for the mistakes and misfortune of
>various individuals who should be ultimately responsible for
>their own bad fortune.

*sigh* You boys are giving me a head ache.. and I know this one isn't
being caused by hormonal fluctuations.

>>  Just so we're clear, the country of California will be pro-choice and
>> anti-war.  Speaking of war, we're going to want all blue state citizens back
>> from Iraq. If you need people to fight, just ask your evangelicals.
>Now there's a real zinger!  And, just maybe, more than you might
>realize! It's the Evangelical Christians that want to support and
>defend Israel, no matter what!, a fallacious basis for a false
>sense of understanding the end of times.

These broad based statements that encompass people who believe in the
Bible.. either literally or symbolically is just really terrible. Does
that mean that only the Pagans and Atheist can take credit for the
advances in technology?
>> as a  They
>> have tons of kids they're willing to send to their deaths for absolutely no
>> purpose, and they don't care if you don't show pictures of their kids'
>> caskets coming home.

>This is about as real as it gets, isn't it?  At least some of it.
>I've seen clips of parents who aren't buying into to any of this,
>and want an end to it all, right now.  

B.S. as Large Marge would call on this. The young men and women CHOSE
as adults to join the service. I didn't pressure my children and my
daughter often thought of joining the Air Force, but there was  a
weight issue and she married and had a child young. As I have said in
other forums, I was going to join the Navy during the Vnam war and my
parents were against it.. In fact my father said only dikes join the
service, as he was old school and women shouldn't be soldiers or
anywhere close to a war. The burden of any parent.. LET ME REPEAT... 
ANY PARENT is to live with the personal choices of their children even
if that choice might lead to their demise. Which would be better?
Having your child dying of an overdose or your child being killed in a
war? Personally, I've never sent my children anywhere (well, except to
jail to save one's life). To put this statement as all Christians are
pushing their kids to join the service is ludicrous at best.

>>  Anyway, we wish you all the best in the next four years and we hope, really
>> hope,  you find those missing  weapons of mass destruction. 
>Now ain't this really special? The pretext for this latest
>destructive 'war' hasn't even been verified whatsoever by anyone,
>including our own intelligence network which has failed dismally
>in justifying why our sons and daughters are dying on a distant
>battlefield of THIS ADMINISTRATION'S own making?

F* the WMD.. You guys need to get off of it. How about the finding and
arrest of Saddam. That stops a lot more than those weapons. I suppose
you aren't concerned the Taliban or whoever is threatening the U.S.A.
this week.. It could have been the Al Qieda have stated they are going
to use a nuclear device in our country. Think about NYC again. Isn't
there a big bank there full of gold ??? Imagine if that gold was
inaccessible.. One which we use for backing our new colorful paper
money.  Start saving gold boys and girls. An amount of chemicals and
such were stolen from Russia recently and with a little Internet
reading, these people have the knowledge to build and probably no
problem crossing the Mexican border easily to plant a nuclear device
where it counts. I'm glad I live in BFE.

>I won't, of course, conclude this by suggesting that California
>has the right idea for secession, but only suggesting perhaps
>that Americans today ought to find a way to wake up to the stupor
>they are engulfed in supporting this rabid aggression, and
>finally demanding a way to end it now.  

>I guess since the US government didn't sign on to the
>international Court perhaps 'war crimes' committed by our own
>regime won't come up on the docket, at least for a while -- but
>ya never know?  

Excuse me? Could you be more clear? Are you speaking of the current
war... ?? The humiliation of some prisoners.. AS they took our
soldiers and hung their body from bridges and burned them and beat
them with sticks. Do we even know if these soldiers were dead when
this occurred. They commit "war crimes" and get medals. If our
soldiers have some bigotry against the enemy we put them on trial and
ruin the rest of their lives. Damn. In my opinion, we should but them
in a cell with a large gay guy named Bubba who is a racist and rapist.
I mean.. We think raping unconscious women is okay.. Why not a little
raping of the enemy.. Oh that's right.. we follow the Geneva
Convention.. THEY DON'T.. got it.
>Kindest regards,

Conster.. waving her flag and proud that our President had the balls
to do something FINALLY, since Clinton was too busy smoking soggy
cigars to get any real work done!
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