On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 06:47:39 -0800, "Jay P Hailey"

>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Joe Crow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "SmithList SmithList" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Lib Enterprise" 
>Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 1:42 AM
>Subject: [LibertarianEnterprise] Zombie Terrorism in Kentucky
>> Who'd a thunk it.
>> Originally from the lovely and talented Claire Wolfe and company, over
>> at http://tinyurl.com/4fvbm.
>> So, some high school kid writes a short story about zombies attacking
>> an unnamed high school, his grand parents read it, turn him in, and the
>> kid gets arrested for 2ND DEGREE TERRORIST THREATENING. 2 days later,
>> while the kid's in stir, the judge raised his bond from 1000 dollars to
>> 5000 dollars, "citing the seriousness of the charge."

What, like you don't believe in Zombies??? You haven't met my in-laws
have you. I'm not surprised some kids believe in Zombies.. I'm a
horror movie buff and have been for years and bottom line there are
people who mimic vampires and have their teeth filed and drink human
(donated) blood. There are more kids than I care to try to even guess
the numbers who are having their tongues split.. The good news I
suppose is that when they grow up and realize that self mutilation was
just not that cool, most likely can have their tongues repaired,
unlike those that have cut off a digit and there have been a scanty
few that have forgone limbs to prove their points of needing attention
through self-mutilation.

Who knows.. Maybe the judge had a teenager, however the idiots that
believed in Zombies should have had a class in anatomy/physiology to
explain why it's impossible at this time for a body to reanimate.

>> Oh
>> My
>> Fucking

>> GOD.
Hmmm, according to most, those that believe in God doesn't assume he
doesn't any fornicating, except the Mormons.. and I'm not totally sure
about that. And the other people that believe God is female ... Well,
I'm not going to touch that one, except to say there isn't a male
around that could satisfy her.. not in heaven anyway. For those that
don't believe in God.. I don't suppose they care either way.
>> Chief of Police W.M.Jackson II
>> Phone: 1-859-745-7400
>> Fax: 1-859-745-7404
>> Perhaps someone should explain about how zombies are largely fictional
>> to these fuckers. Either that, or threaten to unleash hordes of the
>> hungry undead on them unless they release our brother necromancer.
>> Link to story:
>> http://www.lex18.com/global/story.asp?s=2989614&ClientType=Printable
>> Text of story, in case it vanishes again:
>>> Student Arrested For Terroristic Threatening Says Incident A
>>> Misunderstanding
>>> A George Rogers Clark High School junior arrested Tuesday for making
>>> terrorist threats told LEX 18 News Thursday that the "writings" that
>>> got him arrested are being taken out of context.
>>> Winchester police say William Poole, 18, was taken into custody
>>> Tuesday morning. Investigators say they discovered materials at
>>> Poole's home that outline possible acts of violence aimed at students,
>>> teachers, and police.
>>> Poole told LEX 18 that the whole incident is a big misunderstanding.
>>> He claims that what his grandparents found in his journal and turned
>>> into police was a short story he wrote for English class.
>>> "My story is based on fiction," said Poole, who faces a second-degree
>>> felony terrorist threatening charge. "It's a fake story. I made it up.
>>> I've been working on one of my short stories, (and) the short story
>>> they found was about zombies. Yes, it did say a high school. It was
>>> about a high school over ran by zombies."
>>> Even so, police say the nature of the story makes it a felony.
>>> "Anytime you make any threat or possess matter involving a school or
>>> function it's a felony in the state of Kentucky," said Winchester
>>> Police detective Steven Caudill.
>>> Poole disputes that he was threatening anyone.
>>> "It didn't mention nobody who lives in Clark County, didn't mention
>>> (George Rogers Clark High School), didn't mention no principal or
>>> cops, nothing,"
>>> said Poole. "Half the people at high school know me. They know I'm not
>>> that stupid, that crazy."
>>> On Thursday, a judge raised Poole's bond from one to five thousand
>>> dollars after prosecutors requested it, citing the seriousness of the
>>> charge.
>>> Poole is being held at the Clark County Detention Center.
>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Joe Crow                                         http://www.joecrow.net
>> "Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if
>> someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery."
>>                --Malcolm X
>Jay P Hailey ~Meow!~
>MSNIM - jayphailey ;
>AIM -jayphailey03;
>ICQ - 37959005
>"We're not done playing yet, are we?" - The Crow

Well, you gotta know.. Stephen King was probably some twisted little
geek.. and now he's a twisted multi-millionaire that will never have
to work if he chooses not to.. Even though I believe somehow, having
recovered mostly from his accident and the fact that he is going blind
from macular degeneration will always keep this fan happy. And I don't
know that he's ever written about Zombies that I can recall.  But
according to many, his book caused Barry Loukitis to kill 3 kids and a
teacher.. BS... Barry was a victim of parental abuse, the son of two
alcoholics, in the middle of a divorce and a very intelligent boy,
whose political awareness was so much more elevated than those kids
his age (15) that I think he just burned out when constantly being
threatened by a very big kid (Barry was very small) and Barry did
manage to kill him. Why he killed the teacher and the others, I think
he just lost it. I signed a petition to try him as a juvenile, but it
was an election years.

And a bit off the subject, but just some things in general about the
school districts, while people are throwing rocks at cops. There was
this kid who planned to bring a gun to the Othello School and kill
everyone in his class (I believe it was Jr. High but don't quote me on
that.. but it WAS one of the Othello schools). He told too many kids,
so he told that he was kidding and instead got on the Internet and
made a bomb. His Dad had a license to have large quantities of black
powder and the kid DID plant a bomb in the school. Meanwhile, the
teachers and principle got wind of his first plan.. When they found
out there was a bomb in the school INSTEAD of evacuating the school OR
telling the cops, the just waiting until school was out to have the
cops come and check the very live, very volatile bomb sitting among
the students. Unbelievable and we wonder why the kids are going
crazy.. They are being taught by a lot of nimrods who should be
required to have an intense mental evaluation every year, as they
plant the thoughts in our children's young minds.

Growing up, in 7th grade I had a history teacher that would read aloud
from books about torture of young females. I was completely unaware of
the procreation process and this guy is reading to us about some sicko
burning the pubic area of a girl with a lit cigarette. I hated that
class, I hated Mr. Stacy, who had a normal brother teacher from the
school I had just left when we moved. 

Reading this about a kid who like to write about Zombies.. and the
idiots who decide it was a terrorist letter is just plain stupid
stupid stupid.. and I hope the kid's family SUES A WHOLE BUNCH OF
PEOPLE.. It's not a matter of money... It's a matter of unlawful act
against a creative young man

Conster the Zombie loving Monster

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