The thing to remember about all these overreactions is that they tell you
more about the state of the laws and school-provided protection to our
children than they do about the children who are involved.

The fact that each of these incidents gets so blown out of proportion tells
you absolutely and positively beyond any shadow of a doubt that the school
is NOT capable of protecting the children in its care.  If they are afraid
of an 18-year-old who writes zombie stories (or 6 year-olds with butter
knives or playing "cops-and-robbers" with finger-guns, or 5 year-olds with
GI Joe rifles, or ...) then they are telling you that if any of these
children gets their hands on a real gun and brings it to school, the school
will be helpless to stop them.  And it is the "subject matter experts" (SME)
who are telling you this.  And if those SMEs turn around and deny what
they've just told you by claiming that "the children really are safe", then
they cannot be believed.  (It is extremely tempting to say they are lying.
Unfortunately, that would give them too much credit for intelligence.)

Of course, if the school is so afraid of a child, what happens if there is a
terrorist attack (ala Beslan or Basilan?)

One final note: it's still too early to get all worked up over this
incident.  It appears that the police (and prosecutor) think they've got
someone who actually had some kind of a plan.  Also, the "someone's"
grandparents apparently thought there was some kind of a plan.  (Kind of
unusual that someone would turn in a grandchild, don't cha think?)  The
"someone" claims that he had a zombie story.  It could very well be that
there was a plan AND a zombie story and the kid thinks he can get enough
people a worked up about "another zero intelligence"
thing by getting everyone focused on the zombie story.  I would wait to see
how it shakes out and what further evidence is presented.

Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

Jay P Hailey passed on the following:
> > Who'd a thunk it.
> >
> > Originally from the lovely and talented Claire Wolfe and company, over
> > at
> >
> > So, some high school kid writes a short story about zombies attacking
> > an unnamed high school, his grand parents read it, turn him in, and the
> > kid gets arrested for 2ND DEGREE TERRORIST THREATENING. 2 days later,
> > while the kid's in stir, the judge raised his bond from 1000 dollars to
> > 5000 dollars, "citing the seriousness of the charge."
> >
> >
> > For the contact minded:
> >
> > Chief of Police W.M.Jackson II
> > Phone: 1-859-745-7400
> > Fax: 1-859-745-7404
> >
> > Perhaps someone should explain about how zombies are largely fictional
> > to these fuckers. Either that, or threaten to unleash hordes of the
> > hungry undead on them unless they release our brother necromancer.
> >
> > Link to story:
> >
> >

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