Good evening, Steve!

Steven Thompson wrote:

> Well, Thank you Dave, even though I've stopped counting... Aint democracy
> in the Middle East absolutely wonderful? Oooops, must always be concerned
> here that 'lefties' may be lurking...

No, nobody's too concerned about the Left-Wing tendencies of the Inland
Northwest Ground Illumination Team these days. Of course, from a purely
logical point of view, it is somewhat difficult to wave little banners and
pennants around for the GOP when the economy is shuddering through the
floorboards while the cost of living is already sitting up on the rooftop
with the owls, bats and that stupid white tom cat that likes sharpening
its claws on the stovepipe. 

Democracy in the Middle East? Despite the fact I am not one of those
city-slicker real estate agents with tassels on their shoes, I didn't know
Iraq had democracy in the Middle East yet. The last I heard they had sent
off to a male-order catalog for some new males that understand such alien
concepts as democracy and good government. 

Maybe what we need to do is open an import-export business and ship some
of our Gawd-fearing Southern Baptist Tele-evangelists to Iraq. After all,
for the most part, aren't they staunch Republicans? We'd have to make sure
they were all bachelors, because we wouldn't want to be shipping dewy-eyed
evangelists' brides wearing sensible shoes into a war zone, now would we?

The advantages to such a devised system are we would reduce the number of
Republicans left to run us deeper into debt, and as a bonus, we might
reduce the number of late-night evangelists on our national television

Lefties? I don't see any lefties. 8-) 

The Used Kharma Lot
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