On Sat, 2005-03-19 at 05:37 -0800, Dave Laird wrote: 
> Good morning, everyone...
> Yes, indeed. Today is the second anniversary of the War in Iraq. Over 1500
> members of the U.S.  military are dead, Saddam Hussein is sitting in
> prison, awaiting trial and nobody knows when U.S. troops will be coming
> home. 
> The premise under which this war began, that Saddam Hussein had weapons of
> mass destruction, including germicidal and perhaps even atomic bombs that
> were capable of being launched at other countries, simply never
> materialized. Even today, President George W. Bush speaks as if those
> weapons are still there, but that U.S. forces simply haven't found them
> yet, and thus the grinding war goes on. Only history will judge whether
> Bush was right, or whether those WMD's ever existed to begin with.
> So, let's light up those nebulous candles atop the nebulous birthday cake
> and all stand up and sing a chorus of the song normally relegated to
> people who have aged another year for the War in Iraq, shall we? 

Sorry, to busy celebrating my birthday today. ;)

Random Fortune of the moment:
We should realize that a city is better off with bad laws, so long as they 
remain fixed, then with good laws that are constantly being altered, that
the lack of learning combined with sound common sense is more helpful than
the kind of cleverness that gets out of hand, and that as a general rule,
states are better governed by the man in the street than by intellectuals.
These are the sort of people who want to appear wiser than the laws, who
want to get their own way in every general discussion, because they feel that
they cannot show off their intelligence in matters of greater importance, and
who, as a result, very often bring ruin on their country.
                -- Cleon, Thucydides, III, 37 translation by Rex Warner

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