Good evening everyone!

This message is intended for informational purposes only.

Mr. Dave Laird has dropped spk.liberty_nw from his rather closed and dysfunctional news server as of a few days ago. The truth is folks, we haven't really had any functional NNTP gateway, that was truly functional, for at least the last two years.

In consequence, I have dropped my personal account (as of 11/06/2005) with, and will no longer carry functional messages to or from Liberty Northwest on the spk.liberty_nw NNTP forum with the exception of my personal paid account with This account does not recognize Dave Laird's News.Kharma.NET, so I have to assume here we have been largely misled, and the so-called Kharma.Net has been proven to be on the USENET backbone, per se, to be entirely on its own merits, dysfunctional.

Truth is folks, we have had absolutely no dedicated bi-directional feed from Mr. Laird's system for the previous two years anyway, so nothing has been lost honestly in this transaction of events. And, for that, I am sorry, truly sorry. I was hoping for MUCH better than this, and it didn't happen.

In doing this, I have complied pretty much with Mr. Laird's most recent request to send him the mail headers, which he received last night, showing the transcription of my complaints, and in which he has not replied to this date. Don't hold your breath either, he probably will not reply since his choice in choosing what he wishes to address is specifically his own determination, which has largely skirted the issues at hand anyway.

So folks, we are back again to square one, that is, in terms of spk.liberty_nw. The Liberty Northwest email discussion group is still in tact. The spk.liberty_nw NNTP newsgroups is still foundering as it has since Rocky Seelbach once controlled the machinics of it all. That was a long time ago, to be sure.

Time goes on. Technology goes on as well. Truth is, we may not have access or transparency with NNTP any more. Only time will tell. NNTP hasn't been a huge source of traffic for Liberty Northwest in any case during the past half decade or so ago. As was the case with FidoNet, things change a lot over time, and NNTP may very well fold into the oblivion as well, who knows?

But let me make this perfectly clear. Dave Laird's charade of hosting a bi-directional feed to NNTP has been a total disaster, at least for the last couple of years that he advertised to me that he would host it. I have, of as tonight, cut off my NNTP feed with USENETSERVER.COM. This also cuts entirely my connection with Dave Laird's entire NEWS.KHARMA.NET heirarcy, entirely, since my own remaining NNTP account doesn't support Mr. Laird's localized groups, which is fine ultimately with me. He has shown absolutely no interest whatsoever over the past several years of creating a system that works in the NNTP environment either.

I suggest, that may be the ONLY point I wish to make tonight.

Maybe we have honestly lost "something" in terms of NNTP News. Maybe not. That isn't exactly a very HOT issue these days in terms of news - email lists, etc. Without a dedicated gateway, NNTP isn't likely going to restored for Liberty Northwest anytime very soon.

Kindest regards,
Frank M. Reichert

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