I was sitting in a Burger King this morning when it hit me that a great
many activists in the Libertarian Party and true believers in narcotics
prohibition think basically the same way.

They realize that they won't actually achieve their ostensible goals by the
means they promote, because they know they don't command the obeisance
necessary for that to occur.  However, they feel compelled to follow such a
hopeless course because to do otherwise would not be moral, "right", etc. 
A harm reduction policy -- one which acknowledges the inevitability of
failure of their absolutist methods, but which aims to mitigate the damage
inflicted by society's not obeying their will -- would be seen as immoral
in itself, because taking the right side is more important than achieving
amelioration.  After all, they are not to blame for society's inevitable
disobedience of their strictures, and it is better to be blameless in that
way than to compromise.

Truly I So Briney,
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