Good morning Doug!

Douglas Friedman wrote to Frank Reichert...

I wouldn't trust Henry Waxman if he said the sky was blue. If Congress didn't pass it, how could Bush have gotten a copy - with the signatures of Hastert and the president pro tem of the Senate - to sign?

I sort of understand your propensity to discredit Wasman. On the other hand however, I don't have much sympathy for the Shrub Regime either, whether telling the truth, or pulling shenanigans that circumvent the checks and balances of the Federal government. At least some of the allegations might have some validity, particularly whether or not the bill in question really did actually pass both houses in Congress.

If this were true, the liberal news media would have been all over the story. I have yet to hear of an actual impeachable offense Bush has committed. Sure, there are policies of his I can't stand, but to speak of impeachment or "ouster" is a bit much.

The so-called 'liberal media' wouldn't necessarily touch an issue that might be better served to ignore if that was to the benefit of the globalist vision of conforming to global standards and perhaps enforcement. The Shrub's neo-conservative don't back off in supporting just such an agenda, and the liberal press has been onboard this same agenda for decades.

In fact, it's interesting you just brought this up. I just finished reading a new book that will obviously become enormously popular in the coming months leading up to the next national election for US President. The book is titled: "Hillary vs. Condi".

Admittedly, there are factual material presented that I can likely support, that Condi Rice would be the ONLY GOP candidate who might have a prayer of a chance of defeating Hillary Rodham Clinton, should she be nominated during the 2008 Democrat Primary as the Democratic candidate. There are a variety of reasons that the author brings up, such as 55% of Americans would consider voting for a woman for the office of President of the United States, and that Condi Rice would be the post candidate over Hillary for becoming just such, namely that if elected, she would end the decades racial division that has existed in America since the early 1960s. That I have to agree with, and if that were the only stipulation, then I might go onboard and support it as such.

But the author goes much further than this. Now he is talking in terms of Condi's experience on the world stage as an internationally acclaimed globalist that understands how America needs just this sort of leadership in the coming years of the 21st century. In other words, and extrapolation of the current Shrub Regime's ideal of 'global law' will continue.

My suggestion to you might be, if you have NOT read this book, do so now before first replying to my fears. I am convinced that there will be a real effort on the part of the GOP neo-cons, to draft Condi Rice, particularly if Hillary Clinton becomes the leading Democratic candidate for office during the 2008 State Primary processes. The book points out honestly that the GOP has no one, no one at all, who could hope to prevail against Hillary Clinton for the reasons that I just mentioned above, other than drafting Condi Rice.

In my judgement anyway, that isn't much of an answer.

And, to answer your concerns, the Liberal News Media would love just such a race, since there isn't really any major difference between the likely objectives of Hillary Clinton, or Condi Rice, and it will be, simply put, the entire game plan played all over again to an American audience that would rather watch the Super Bowl play out than studying and understanding the underlying issues confronting US foreign policy, and how we got into this stinking mess in the first place.

Kindest regards,

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