Well good Post Election evening again, Bill!

Bill Anderson ruminates post election matters with Frank Reichert...

Because some of us believe it is better to have elected libertarians than
paper candidates, or bitter old men filled with hate.

That is a rather cheap shot, or else, cop out on your part, and you know it, particularly in THIS off-year election which probably is even more important than the general election just two years ago when I was still running under the LP of Idaho banner here locally.

I might add, the ONLY one up here running.  Everyone else had
long disappeared from the scene due primarily to the stellar
leadership of Ted Dunlap, the same Ted Dunlap that scored even
lower in Idaho Polls than his Constitutionalist opposition
candidate did, who was at least in my opinion even worse, at
least as televised in the PBS televised debate.

Nevertheless, going back several years, when much of the current
context in the buildup to this 'War on Terror' began, it was only
the late radical Democrat Roger Erdman and myself who opposed
this damn war in Iraq, and we were both labelled by you and
several others, those of you who embraced initiating force
against individual countries around this planet for the sake
imposing democracy by force.  I can now speak in hindsight
because I was there at the time these conversations were then
taking place.  Roger and I had the audacity to oppose the Shrub,
that is, the current sitting lame duck President, who has now
brought and invited this current disaster of restoring a majority
 by Democrats into both Houses of Congress.

Where were you anyway when these conversations were taking place
back then and almost every night on Liberty Northwest?  You were
siding with the pro-Israeli side, with Douglas Friendman and
Robert Goodman holding the Fort in favor of initiating whatever
force might be necessary to continue a failed 40-year plus US
foreign Policy.

Thankfully, the national Libertarian Party did NOT endorse your
efforts, but rather opposed them all.

I can tell you this, I was also there and witnessed all of the
shenanigans that Ted Dunlap pulled off to finally bring the
demise to the Libertarian Party of Idaho as a real State Party,
which fielded over 50 plus candidates during election year 2000.
That's now long gone.  What's left, is that the LP of Idaho has
been reduced to mainly a local Boise social 'finger food' club, and as I see it now, centred around the same Ted Dunlap who was booted out of the GOP earlier and migrated here in Idaho to take over and control the once vibrant LP of Idaho and has since left in in total disarray and shambles.

Another way you might want to take a look at some of this is to
compare how the GOP is doing in today's current climate in USA politics in Idaho, and then compare that with the LP of Idaho today as it exists under the stellar leadership of ex-GOP fired activist Ted Dunlap (who again was booted out of the GOP and then migrated here to promote his failed policies by migrating these same failed policies here in Idaho).

I will never again run under the LP of Idaho banner in Idaho for political office until the likes of Ted Dunlap is gone from the stage, or control, of promoting what is essentially a non-libertarian agenda in Idaho. Absent the radical conservative Christian Right Wing rhetoric of his counterpart in the Constitution Party in the last debate, Mr. Dunlap has managed to destroy the Libertarian Party in Idaho over the previous four years and has replaced the Party's real significance with a message reflecting largely upon his past failures to influnce the GOP, from whence he came to Idaho in the first place!

You probably can figure out here, I'm not in to finger food meetings to discuss Libertarian agendas from a failed context by a so-called LP Chairman who was fired and excused by his former GOP benefactors, insofar at least supporting for what is important to me at least, a real and decisive Libertarian message, presence and posture in Idaho by the message of the Libertarian Party as it presently exists on the national level.

I might be getting older Bill. Hell we all do. But filled with 'Hate' as you just described it... I doubt it. Disgusted perhaps might be a better word. But I conclude there might be several reasons why disgusting language might be in order to describe the condition of the Boise Club that considers itself representative of Libertarian idealism within the context of the rest of the State. I find a problem with that.

This Party has lost a lot of genuinely great Libertarian people here in Idaho and over a relatively short period of around the last four years. A lot of these people once gave their all for this Party. Four years ago the LP of Idaho was a political threat to the established status quo up here in north Idaho. Today it is nothing more than a farce, and probabably that those who voted for it before would rather simply forget about today. And, I cannot claim any responsibility for that whatsoever.

So, yes. I am angry. Full of Hate? Probably not. It is going to take a long, long time to rebuild the LP of Idaho north of Boise again. I spent a lot of my personal time and resources to do exactly that only to have it destroyed by the likes of Ted Dunlap and his arrogant and self-aggrandizing approach to transforming the LP of Idaho into the present repudiation of the GOP at the national level, which is exactly why he cannot ever be a leader in the Libertarian Party in Idaho. He is a cast out 'has been' from the GOP in Oregon, a migrant to Idaho, and never was or has any real credentials on a scale that would even suggest that this charleton has any reference at all to Libertarian causes or should benefit through LP leadership in this state, that is, by destroying this Party's once huge base throughout the State.

This did happen. It has happened. And all the historical revisionalism in the world won't change that fact. Voters in Idaho simply have very little choice these days between the GOP and the Democratic Party throughout much of the State. The Libertarian Party candidates have large gone.

That is Ted Dunlaps historical legacy as Chairman of the LP of Idaho. It all happened under his leadership.

So... let's have Brunch and figure food .... that is the LP of Idaho's current legacy now in Idaho.

Warmest regards,

Kindest regards,

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