Frank Reichert wrote to Bill Anderson (in part):
(bilateral personal criticisms omitted)

> Where were you anyway when these conversations were taking place
> back then and almost every night on Liberty Northwest? You were
> siding with the pro-Israeli side, with Douglas Friendman and
> Robert Goodman holding the Fort in favor of initiating whatever
> force might be necessary to continue a failed 40-year plus US
> foreign Policy.
While I am certainly pro-Israel, and think the US govt. is not pro-Israel enough (I feel the same about Israel's current PM/Knesset), I do not understand your snipe against the war in Iraq as the "pro-Israel side." The war in Iraq was not undertaken to benefit Israel, and helped Israel only marginally, if at all, in that it stopped the $25,000 per suicide bomber Saddam Hussein was paying.
FTR, I continue to believe the battle for Iraq - part of the war on terror - was a good idea, though I fault the execution, mainly because it did two things wrong. First, it didn't go far enough. I would have invaded Syria next, while we still had the strategic offensive. That would have blocked the inflow of foreign fighters/terrorists into Iraq, leaving the fighting against us to the Revolutionary Guard remnants, renamed insurgents. At the time, Iran's govt. was tottering and I would have given it a push, not by invading, but by supporting the pro-freedom opposition politically and with air strikes.
> Thankfully, the national Libertarian Party did NOT endorse your
> efforts, but rather opposed them all.
The LP was wrong then on the war on terror. I haven't kept up with the changes in it - I've been meaning to ask someone more involved in the party for comments on what's going on - so I don't know what the current position is. Put simply, though, I'd rather fight the Islamic fascists in Iraq than in the US.
BTW, there were some comments that clearly referred to postings on some other list, so I feel like I've joined in in the middle of a conversation. That may be best.

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